Tue 26 Mar
Seminars and Conferences

Phononic crystals and elastic metamaterials across scales

The event entitled "Phononic crystals and elastic metamaterials across scales" will be held on Tuesday 26 March 2024 in the Aula Albenga of the Politecnico.


are composite materials exhibiting unconventional mechanical and dynamic behaviors deriving from the elastomorphic properties of their unit cell. They have recently emerged as a new frontier of science at the intersection of engineering, material science and physics.

In this seminar, will talk about recent progresses in the research of elastic metamaterials, with a specific focus on engineering applications across different scales: from seismic protection to airborne/underwater noise reduction, from non-destructive evaluation to (nano-)opto-electro- mechanical systems for energy harvesting and 5G/satellite communications.
After a brief introduction on Floquet-Bloch decomposition for the computation of the dynamic behavior of periodic structures, will provide insights on how to design the constitutive unit cell of metamaterials to selectively filter, guide and localize in frequency elastic waves. Will devote particular attention to the topological protection and the main mechanisms of bandgap opening (Bragg scattering, local resonance, and/or inertial amplification), including the possibility of their tuning through the application of external fields (pre-stress/pre-strain or exposure to specific wavelengths of light). Bio-inspired metamaterial designs will also be presented. Finally, an outlook on potential future directions of metamaterials in engineering will be provided.

Speaker: Marco Miniaci - CNRS researcher at the Laboratory of Acoustics of the IEMN (Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology


Marco Miniaci currently works as a CNRS researcher at the Laboratory of Acoustics of the IEMN (Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology) of Villeneuve D’Ascq (France) in the framework of Section 09 (Mechanics of solids, materials and structures, biomechanics, and acoustics) of the INSIS (Institute of Engineering and Systems Sciences).
He is currently principal investigator of the ERC StG «POSEIDON» dealing with «unconventional principles of underwater wave control in the sub-wavelength regime», coordinator of the CL4–2022–RESILIENCE–01 European project, «MAGNIFIC», aiming at the development of «materials for a next-generation of (nano-) opto-electro-mechanical systems».
Marco Miniaci received his B. Sc. (July 25th, 2008) and M. Sc. (July 23rd, 2010) degrees in Civil Engineering from the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna (Italy), where he also defended his Ph.D. thesis, entitled «Behavior and applications of elastic waves in structures and metamaterials» (May 19th, 2014).

Event organized by the Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering - DISEG of the Politecnico