Greta Andrini

Ph.D. in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni , 36th cycle (2020-2023)

Ph.D. obtained in 2024


Fabrication and characterization of telecom quantum emitter in silicon for quantum technology applications. (Abstract)


Angelo Rivetti Michele Goano Manuel Dionisio Da Rocha Rolo


Research topic

Simulation and experimental characterisation of novel single-photon and radiation sensor devices

Research interests

Electronic devices: modeling and characterization
Modeling, simulation and CAD


Greta Andrini was born in 1996 in Turin and she is currently a Ph.D. student in Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering at Politecnico di Torino since November 2020. She is an INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) associated member, collaborating on the newly designed QUANTEP project, which aims at the development and implementation of a complete Silicon Photonics Integrated Circuit for Quantum Computation with linear quantum optics circuits and single photons. She is also partially involved in the long-term timing layer upgrade project of ALICE detectors. She received her M.Sc degree in Physics (110 with honors and mention) at the University of Turin in 2020, after having completed her B.Sc degree in Physics in 2018. She carried out her master thesis activity, titled “Quantum-optic characterization of He-related and Ne-related photoluminescent defects in artificial diamond” with the Solid State Physics Group of the University of Turin at INRiM (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica) Quantum Optics laboratories.


Works published during the Ph.D. View all publications in Porto@Iris

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