Ph.D. in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni , 34th cycle (2018-2021)
Ph.D. obtained in 2023
Uncertainty Quantification of the Responses of Transient Electromagnetic Disturbance Coupling to Transmission Lines Based on Stochastic Models (Abstract)
Flavio Canavero
Research presentation:
Research topic
Study of Key Power Equipment Response under Transient Electrical Disturbance
Research interests
Ning Dong now focuses on a research topic: “Study of Key Power Equipment Response under Transient Electrical Disturbance”, which is part of the co-directed thesis project “Novel modeling concepts for the resilience assessment of next generation smart grids”.This research concentrates on the physics-based power girds modeling under external transient electrical disturbance. In order to predict the grid behavior and reliability when facing transient electrical disturbance as well as the transient response on power grids especially on key power equipment need to be studied.
Works published during the Ph.D. View all publications in Porto@Iris
- Dong, Ning (2023)
Uncertainty Quantification of the Responses of Transient Electromagnetic Disturbance Coupling to Transmission Lines Based on Stochastic Models. relatore: CANAVERO, Flavio; , 33. XXXIII Ciclo, P.: 141
Doctoral Thesis - Liu, Minzhou; Xie, Yan-Zhao; Dong, Ning; Wang, Zong-Yang; Yang, Yi-Fan (2022)
Numerical Analysis of Nonuniform Geoelectric Field Impacts on Geomagnetic Induction in Pipeline Networks. In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, vol. 64, pp. 999-1009. ISSN 0018-9375
Contributo su Rivista - Liu, Qing; Xie, Yanzhao; Dong, Ning; Chen, Yuhao; Liu, Minzhou; Li, Quan (2020)
Uncertainty Quantification of Geo-Magnetically Induced Currents in UHV Power Grid. In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, vol. 62, pp. 258-265. ISSN 0018-9375
Contributo su Rivista