Caterina Caprioli

Ph.D. in Urban And Regional Development , 34th cycle (2018-2021)

Ph.D. obtained in 2022


Agent-based model and Geographic Information System (GIS): an integrated approach to test sustainable policies and urban transformation scenarios (Abstract)


Marta Carla Bottero Elena De Angelis

Research presentation:

Video presentation Poster


Research topic

Modelli integrati basati su agenti per testare politiche sostenibili e trasformazioni urbane

Research interests

Sustainable land use and territorial resilience
Urban studies
Urban and regional governance
Spatial planning
Built environment
Real estate
Renewable energy and energy transition


PhD candidate in Urban and Regional Development at Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST) at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). Research fellow in 2018 on the research project VALIUM (Valuation Integrated for Urban Management), financed by DIST. Master's Degree in Architecture Construction City at Politecnico di Torino and Alta Scuola Politecnica (2017). Their scientific interests span Regional and Urban Economics, Sustainable Development, Planning Evaluation, Scenario building and Mathematical Models in Urban Sciences. The research activities focus on the adoption of integrated evaluation approaches for supporting policies definition and transformation operations in urban contexts, by using multicriteria analysis and agent-based modeling, among the others. The use of spatially explicit data is an integral part of the research works. Other scientific productions regard the topic of ecosystem services and their assessment in a multi-dimensional perspective. During the PhD, a visiting period was spent at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) of Brisbane (Australia) at the Urban Design Lab of the Urban Informatics group. She is also involved in some research projects, such as the project QUICHE (Quali misurazioni per quali politiche: verso il Sustainable Development Goal 11) coordinated by Prof. Lami, the agreement between Politecnico di Torino and the municipality of Gattico-Veruno (Novara) for the New Municipal Plan (coordinated by Prof. Bottero and Mondini), and the one for the revision of the municipal plan of Torino (coordinated by Prof. Bottero and Mondini), and on the elaboration of the PEC for the biopark and SEA for the ZOOM park of Torino (coordinated by Prof. Bottero and Mondini). She participated in the organization of different Sessions at the EURO (European Conference on Operational Research), ICSSA (International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications) and NMP (New Metropolitan Perspectives) conferences, as well as in interdepartmental seminars (e.g. Building Sustainable and Resilient Cities in 2019). She was also the tutor of some courses on real estate, project appraisal and decision-making at Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Milano and Alta Scuola Politecnica.

Awards and Honors

  • Nell'ambito del Simposio Internazionale “New Metropolitan Perspectives” NMP2020, il Paper "Ecosystem Services in Land-use Planning: an Application for Assessing Transformation Scenarios at the Local Scale" è stato giudicato meritevole della assegnazione del premio "Edoardo Mollica", nella Sezione "Environment, Energy, Landscape" (2020)


Collegi of the degree programmes


Master of Science

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