Lorenzo Vigna

Ph.D. in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni , 34th cycle (2018-2021)

Ph.D. obtained in 2022


Chemiresistive devices for room-temperature gas sensing applications: from loaded and intrinsically conductive polymers to layered double hydroxides (Abstract)


Matteo Cocuzza Candido Pirri Marco Sangermano

Research presentation:

Video presentation


Research topic

Development of new polymeric materials as flexible chemiresistive gas sensors

Research interests

Micro- and nanotechnologies, devices, systems and applications


Lorenzo Vigna was born in Torino on September 18, 1993. He has always been interested in the scientific world and he decided to enroll in the engineering school in order to find answers to his many questions.
He achieved his Bachelor’s degree in Materials Engineering at Politecnico di Torino in October 2015 with the research thesis: “Liquid Crystalline Polymers and Their Applications as Technical Textiles”.
In March 2018, he achieved his Master’s degree in Materials Engineering at Politecnico di Torino, writing the experimental thesis: “Development of Polymeric Materials as Gas Sensors”.
This thesis was developed with a six months joint program between Politecnico di Torino and IBM Research Center in Almaden, California.
Since November 2018, he is a Ph.D. candidate in Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering at the Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) working actively in the Materials and Microsystems Laboratory in Chivasso (ChiLab) under the supervision of Prof. Fabrizio Pirri, Prof. Matteo Cocuzza and Prof. Marco Sangermano.
His research activity is focused on both the development and synthesis of novel UV photocurable polymeric materials, and the fabrication at the micro and nano scale and electrical characterization of electronic devices as gas sensors. For this reason, a custom-made sensing setup was engineered in order to produce and deliver selected concentrations of solvent vapors to the samples housed in a stainless steel assembly, ensuring the reliability and goodness of the results.

Awards and Honors

  • Best Oral Presentation Award related to X-Ray Spectroscopy at the 12th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis: Modern Trends and Applications Athens IMA2021 (2021)



Master of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Bachelor of Science

  • Chemistry. A.A. 2021/22, INGEGNERIA DELL'AUTOVEICOLO (AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING). Collaboratore del corso
  • Chimica. A.A. 2018/19, INGEGNERIA AEROSPAZIALE. Collaboratore del corso
  • Chimica. A.A. 2018/19, INGEGNERIA AEROSPAZIALE. Collaboratore del corso
  • Chimica. A.A. 2020/21, INGEGNERIA AEROSPAZIALE. Collaboratore del corso
  • Chimica. A.A. 2020/21, INGEGNERIA AEROSPAZIALE. Collaboratore del corso
MostraNascondi A.A. passati


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