Andrea Mora

Ph.D. in Urban And Regional Development , 32nd cycle (2016-2019)

Ph.D. obtained in 2021


Collective labor in practice. Instances of governmentality in the Third Wave of Peruvian ¿barriadas¿. (Abstract)


Francesca Governa


Research topic

Collective labour in practice. Infrastructures and facilities in popular urbanizations

Research interests

Urban studies
Human, economic and political geography
Built environment


Andrea is a researcher who was academically trained in Human Geography and Urban Planning. He is currently a PhD fellow at the Urban and Regional Development inter-university doctoral program offered by the University of Turin and the Polytechnic University of Turin.

In his research, he mainly focuses on space production, significations, and transformations in the tension between institutionalized activities and ordinary practices in Europe and Latin America. He is also interested in urbanization processes analyzed through the Practice-Based Studies perspective.
In his PhD dissertation, Andrea addresses Peruvian urbanization issues, questioning how institutionalized actors deal with low income and marginalized settlements at the urban fringe and how people which are settled in those places struggle to achieve better living conditions. Specifically, he analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the process of urban consolidation occurring in those areas, with a focus on infrastructures, collective spaces and traditional working practices called Faenas Comunales in Spanish.

Andrea has worked in the voluntary and community sector -VCS devoted to right to adequate housing and services provision (TECHO Perú, Lima, PE); social-environmental Conflicts management (Comision Episcopal de Accion Social - CEAS, Lima, PE) and in the protection and enhancement of cultural and natural heritage (Italia Nostra, Brescia, IT).

He is also part of the Grupo Interdisciplinario de Investigación en Ciudades y Territorios Urbanos-INCITU from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú-PUCP as an official member. Andrea is also a member of the Latin American Studies Association-LASA and N-Aerus Network-Association of European Researchers on Urbanisation in the South. He is still a member of the TECHO working team of Habitat design and Habitability where is working to slum upgrading program called 'MUI'.
Currently, Andrea is doing his research visit in Amsterdam (NL) at the Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation CEDLA, UvA, where he writes about a topic closely related to the urban commons.

Awards and Honors

  • Tirocinio 600 ore da aprile ad agosto presso Centrum voor Studie en Documentatie van Latijns-Amerika-CEDLA Fa parte di: Università di Amsterdam Indirizzo: Roetersstraat 33, 1018 WB Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi Telefono: +31 20 525 3498 (2019)


Works published during the Ph.D. View all publications in Porto@Iris