After graduation

Your career as a Mechatronic Engineer starts here. You will be able to find a job mainly in automation, electronic, electromechanical and mechanical companies that design and produce mechanical, automotive, aeronautical, space and robotic systems. You will also be able to work in manufacturing industries which require the ability to integrate mechanical skills with competencies in electronics, computer science, electrical drives and automation.

You will be able to choose from a variety of new career fields:

  • CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES FOR INDUSTRY 4.0 (CONTR): you will deal with methodologies, algorithms and control of mechatronic architectures;
  • SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES FOR AUTOMATION (SW): you will work on operating systems, architectures and design techniques for automation software;
  • HARDWARE & EMBEDDED SYSTEMS FOR INDUSTRY 4.0 (HW): you will focus on embedded systems, hardware platforms and electronic technologies for mechatronics;
  • TECHNOLOGIES FOR MOBILITY (CARS): you will work on electrical, control and communication technologies for new electric mobility;
  • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS (IND): you will work on mechanical technologies, additive manufacturing and innovative manufacturing processes for industry.


Statistics about students graduated in Mechatronic Engineering