Linda Scussolini

Foto di Linda Scussolini

Dottoranda in Ingegneria Civile E Ambientale , 38o ciclo (2022-2025)
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Edile e Geotecnica (DISEG)

Docente esterno e/o collaboratore didattico
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Edile e Geotecnica (DISEG)


Dottorato di ricerca

Argomento di ricerca

Modellazione e calibrazione nonlineare di simulatori virtuali


Presentazione della ricerca


Interessi di ricerca

Earthquake Engineering
Numerical Modelling and Simulation
Structural and Seismic Monitoring


Linda Scussolini is a PhD student in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino. After receiving a BSc in Building Engineering in 2019 from the Politecnico di Torino, she completed with honours a MSc in Civil Engineering (English program) in 2021, specializing in structures and infrastructures, at the same university. Her MSc thesis, carried out in cooperation with the Technical University of Vienna, focused on the problem of the optimal design and the dynamic monitoring of a tensegrity structure characterized by geometric nonlinearities. After being the recipient of a postgraduate research grant at the Politecnico di Torino, she won a PhD scholarship at the same university. Her research mainly focuses on the testing of an efficient and easily scalable tool aimed to the dynamic identification of systems with high non-linearities (e.g., systems composed by interacting bodies).



Corso di laurea magistrale

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