Emmanuele Iacono

Dottorando in Ingegneria Civile E Ambientale , 38o ciclo (2022-2025)
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Edile e Geotecnica (DISEG)


Dottorato di ricerca

Argomento di ricerca

Integration of BIM/GIS/IoT data through a Digital Twin for multi-risk analysis


Presentazione della ricerca


Interessi di ricerca

Systems Resilience


Currently PhD student in Civil and Environmental Engineering (XXXVIII cycle), with a doctoral scholarship entitled "Integration of BIM/GIS/IoT data through a Digital Twin for multi-risk analysis" and Specialization student in Architectural and Landscape Heritage, both at Politecnico di Torino. He carries out research activities at the DISEG department (Politecnico di Torino) with Prof. Anna Osello and fellow researchers and PhD students of the DrawingTOthefuture laboratory.

The research project aims at the development of a Digital Twin methodology to collect and manage data about risk management on existing buildings and infrastructural assets. GIS and BIM tools will be used in an interoperable and scalable way from the general (territorial area) to the particular (work of art) and vice versa. Starting from a real, illustrative and replicable case study, the definition of contents and static and dynamic graphic and information standards of a Digital Twin will be tested. A queryable and implementable GIS (Geographic Information System) of the territory will be used to return geolocalised risk indicators concerning hydrogeological instability, flood hazard, seismic hazard and other natural hazards. At the same time, BIM models of critical assets will be used in an interoperable way with the GIS system for detailed analysis. Data from IoT systems will be collected and integrated, from which analysis algorithms will be developed. VAR (Virtual and Augmented Reality) might also be used for data visualisation for different stakeholders and training of specialised personnel.

Former research fellow from 2019 to 2022, coordinated by Prof. Marco Zerbinatti, in the context of the Interreg Italy-Switzerland research project called "MAIN10ANCE", concerning the management and optimization of Plans of Maintenance and Programmed Conservation for the built heritage through the use of innovative modeling and data management methodologies, as well as the development of a web platform to support the planning of conservation operations on buildings and assets.

Skills and interests in the field of BIM and H-BIM methodologies, digital surveys and their three-dimensional restitution, GIS systems, architectural and geospatial data management, database design and management, development of web platforms, conservation and maintenance of built assets.



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