Fixed- term appointment executive Central Administration (AMM) Director-General Member of the University delegation for trade unions relations Responsible for Prevention, Corruption and Transparency Head Communication, Identity and Valorisation Hub (AMM) Secretary (no right to vote) Board of Governors Secretary (no right to vote) Academic Senate Member University Committee for Research, Technology Transfer and Services to the Community Member Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - GEDI Observatory Member Steering committee for ANVUR assessment Member Commission for Participated Entities Member Osservatorio permanente di Ateneo per il monitoraggio della filiera accademica +39 0110904455 / 4455 Profile Curriculum Download file (0KB, in Italian) Non-commercial collaboration agreements ACCORDO QUADRO EX ART. 15 L. 241/1990 tra il Politecnico di Torino e il Comune di Torino, (2023-2026) - Membro di Comitato Non-commercial collaboration agreements