Stefano Lo Russo


Full Professor (L. 240)
Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI)

  • Member of Interdepartmental Center Ec-L - Energy Center Lab


Research interests

Energy security
Energy transition
Geotechnical engineering and engineering geology
Geothermal energy
Raw materials
Remote sensing


Stefano LO RUSSO Ph.D., is Mayor of Torino, Mayor of Metropolitan City of Torino since 27th October 2021 Geologist, Professor of Engineering geology in the Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. He was born in Torino (Italy) on October 15th, 1975. Graduated cum laude in Geological Sciences in 1999 he holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Politecnico di Torino in 2004. He was Assistant Professor at Politecnico from 2007 until 2014 and Associate Professor from 2014 until 2017. From July 2017 to October 2021 he was the Rector's delegate for relations with the Russian Federation. He is member of the IAH (International Association of Hydrogeologists). Co-founder and board member of EST (Energy Security and Transition Lab) at the Energy Center of Politecnico di Torino. He is Associate Editor of Geofluids (Wiley) and member of the Editorial Board of Environmental Earth Sciences (Springer). His research activity focuses mainly on the study of low-enthalpy geothermal systems and the hydrogeological problems related to the protection of groundwater resources. Other scientific interests regard the engineering geologic digital mapping, the rock-fall risk analysis and mitigation, the energy security and transition, the raw materials and the mining sustainability. His teaching activity regards Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology, Petroleum and Mining Geology, Geothermal Energy, Land planning Visiting Professor at -MGIMO University (Moscow, Russian Federation) -Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation -Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (Moscow, Russian Federation) Invited Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Queensland (Brisbane, QLD, Australia) Visiting Scholar at the NCGRT - National Center for Groundwater Research and Training and Flinders University (Adelaide, South Australia)

Scientific branch

GEOS-03/B - Applied Geology
(Area 0004 - Earth Sciences)


ERC sectors

PE8_6 - Energy processes engineering
PE10_17 - Hydrology, water and soil pollution


Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Goal 13: Climate action

Editorial boards

  • GEOFLUIDS (2019-), Associate Editor of magazine or editorial series
  • ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES (2015-), Editorial board member

Non-commercial collaboration agreements


Collegi of the PhD programmes

  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2020/2021 (37. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2019/2020 (36. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2018/2019 (35. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2017/2018 (34. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2016/2017 (33. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • AMBIENTE E TERRITORIO, 2011/2012 (28. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • AMBIENTE E TERRITORIO, 2010/2011 (27. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • AMBIENTE E TERRITORIO, 2009/2010 (26. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
MostraNascondi collegi passati


Master of Science

  • Petroleum and mining geology. A.A. 2021/22, PETROLEUM AND MINING ENGINEERING (INGEGNERIA DEL PETROLIO E MINERARIA). Collaboratore del corso
  • Petroleum and mining geology. A.A. 2020/21, PETROLEUM AND MINING ENGINEERING (INGEGNERIA DEL PETROLIO E MINERARIA). Titolare del corso
  • Geothermal Energy. A.A. 2020/21, INGEGNERIA ENERGETICA E NUCLEARE. Titolare del corso
  • Protezione civile. A.A. 2019/20, INGEGNERIA PER L'AMBIENTE E IL TERRITORIO. Collaboratore del corso
  • Petroleum and mining geology. A.A. 2019/20, PETROLEUM AND MINING ENGINEERING (INGEGNERIA DEL PETROLIO E MINERARIA). Titolare del corso
  • Geothermal Energy. A.A. 2019/20, INGEGNERIA ENERGETICA E NUCLEARE. Titolare del corso
  • Protezione civile. A.A. 2018/19, INGEGNERIA PER L'AMBIENTE E IL TERRITORIO. Collaboratore del corso
  • Geothermal Energy. A.A. 2018/19, INGEGNERIA ENERGETICA E NUCLEARE. Titolare del corso
  • Petroleum and mining geology. A.A. 2018/19, PETROLEUM AND MINING ENGINEERING (INGEGNERIA DEL PETROLIO E MINERARIA). Titolare del corso
MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Bachelor of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

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