Associate Professor (L. 240)
Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)
- Member of Interdepartmental Center CWC - CleanWaterCenter@PoliTo
Research interests
Simelys Hernández got the degree in Chemical Engineering, with highest honors (Lode) at both Politecnico di Torino (Polito, Turin, Italy) and at Universidad Central de Venezuela (Caracas, Venezuela) in 2004 and completed her PhD in Chemical Engineering at Polito in November 2009. She has been Assistant Professor (RTD-B) of the courses of Catalysis for the Energy and the Environment, Industrial Chemistry, Green Chemistry Products and Processes, and Photo-Electro-Catalytic Technologies for a Sustainable Chemical Industry at the DISAT department (Polito) and, from February 2021, she will Associated Professor leading a course on Oil & Gas Processing. She is responsible of the research team: CO2 reduction for a low-carbon economy (CREST group). She is collaborator at the CSFT of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT@Polito), member of the RSC, MRS, ISE and SCI (Electrochemical Division). She is technical coordinator of the EU H2020 project SunCoChem (, principal investigator of the H2020 project OCEAN (, vice-coordinator of the EU H2020 project RECODE ( and has worked in the coordination and scientific teams of other EU Projects (CELBICON, SOLHYDROMICS, MCWAP, ArtipHyction, ECO2CO2 and TERRA) related to the development of Novel Sustainable Photo-Electro-Chemical Processes for the capture and conversion of the CO2 from lab-scale (TRL2/3) to Pilot scale (TRL5/6). She is Associate Editor of the Journals Frontier in Chemistry (section Catalysis and Photocatalysis) and Nanomaterials (mdpi). She is reviewer of high-level international scientific journals such as Nature Catalysis, Appl. Cat. B: Environm., Adv. Energy Mat., ChemSusChem and Green Chemistry, among others.
Scientific branch
(Area 0009 - Industrial and information engineering)
Research topics
- Development and scale-up of catalysts, electrodes and photo-electro-chemical reactors for the CO2 conversion and green hydrogen production.
- Development of electrocatalytic and photocatalytic systems for the conversion of CO2 to commercial products, production of energy carriers (e.g. H2) and for pollutants abatement.
ERC sectors
- Effective member - Società Chimica Italiana, Italia (2018-)
Editorial boards
- NANOMATERIALS (2020-2021), Guest Editor of magazine or editorial series
- CRYSTALS (2020-2021), Guest Editor of magazine or editorial series
- MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING (2017-2018), Guest Editor of magazine or editorial series
- FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY (2017-), Director
- FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY (2017-), Associate Editor of magazine or editorial series
Collegi of the PhD programmes
- INGEGNERIA CHIMICA, 2022/2023 (39. ciclo)
Politecnico di TORINO - INGEGNERIA CHIMICA, 2021/2022 (38. ciclo)
Politecnico di TORINO - INGEGNERIA CHIMICA, 2020/2021 (37. ciclo)
Politecnico di TORINO - INGEGNERIA CHIMICA, 2019/2020 (36. ciclo)
Politecnico di TORINO - INGEGNERIA CHIMICA, 2018/2019 (35. ciclo)
Politecnico di TORINO
Collegi of the degree programmes
- Collegio di Ingegneria Chimica e dei Materiali. Componente invitato
- Collegio di Ingegneria Energetica. Componente invitato
- Collegio di Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio. Componente
- Photo-Electro-Catalytic Technologies for a Sustainable Chemical Industry: Fundamentals and Applications. A.A. 2023/24, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA. Main teacher
- Photo-Electro-Catalytic Technologies for a Sustainable Chemical Industry: Fundamentals and Applications. A.A. 2021/22, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA. Main teacher
- Photocatalysis: Fundamentals and Applications. A.A. 2019/20, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA. Teaching assistant
- Photo-Electro-Catalytic Technologies for a Sustainable Chemical Industry & in-situ microscopy/spectroscopic to study new photo-electrocatalyst materials (didattica di eccellenza). A.A. 2019/20, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA. Main teacher
- Photocatalysis: Fundamentals and Applications. A.A. 2018/19, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA. Teaching assistant
Master of Science
- Operazioni Unitarie nei processi chimici industriali. A.A. 2024/25, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E DEI PROCESSI SOSTENIBILI. Collaboratore del corso
- Oil&Gas processing and surface facilities. A.A. 2024/25, GEORESOURCES AND GEOENERGY ENGINEERING. Titolare del corso
- Fixation and recycle of CO2 for greenhouse effect mitigation. A.A. 2024/25, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E DEI PROCESSI SOSTENIBILI. Collaboratore del corso
- Catalisi per l'ambiente e l'energia. A.A. 2024/25, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E DEI PROCESSI SOSTENIBILI. Collaboratore del corso
- Operazioni Unitarie nei processi chimici industriali. A.A. 2023/24, INGEGNERIA ENERGETICA E NUCLEARE. Collaboratore del corso
- Oil&Gas processing and surface facilities. A.A. 2023/24, GEORESOURCES AND GEOENERGY ENGINEERING. Titolare del corso
- Fixation and recycle of CO2 for greenhouse effect mitigation. A.A. 2023/24, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E DEI PROCESSI SOSTENIBILI. Collaboratore del corso
- Catalisi per l'ambiente e l'energia. A.A. 2023/24, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E DEI PROCESSI SOSTENIBILI. Collaboratore del corso
- Oil&Gas processing and surface facilities. A.A. 2022/23, GEORESOURCES AND GEOENERGY ENGINEERING. Titolare del corso
- Petroleum technology. A.A. 2021/22, PETROLEUM AND MINING ENGINEERING (INGEGNERIA DEL PETROLIO E MINERARIA). Titolare del corso
- Fixation and recycle of CO2 for greenhouse effect mitigation. A.A. 2021/22, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E DEI PROCESSI SOSTENIBILI. Collaboratore del corso
- Catalisi per l'ambiente e l'energia. A.A. 2021/22, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E DEI PROCESSI SOSTENIBILI. Collaboratore del corso
- Fondamenti di impianti biochimici. A.A. 2020/21, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E DEI PROCESSI SOSTENIBILI. Collaboratore del corso
- Petroleum technology. A.A. 2020/21, PETROLEUM AND MINING ENGINEERING (INGEGNERIA DEL PETROLIO E MINERARIA). Titolare del corso
- Catalisi per l'ambiente e l'energia. A.A. 2020/21, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E DEI PROCESSI SOSTENIBILI. Collaboratore del corso
- Fondamenti di impianti biochimici. A.A. 2019/20, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E DEI PROCESSI SOSTENIBILI. Collaboratore del corso
- Catalisi per l'ambiente e l'energia. A.A. 2019/20, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E DEI PROCESSI SOSTENIBILI. Collaboratore del corso
- Fondamenti di impianti biochimici. A.A. 2018/19, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E DEI PROCESSI SOSTENIBILI. Collaboratore del corso
- Catalisi per l'ambiente e l'energia. A.A. 2018/19, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E DEI PROCESSI SOSTENIBILI. Collaboratore del corso
Bachelor of Science
- Impianti per l'industria chimica e alimentare. A.A. 2024/25, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E ALIMENTARE. Collaboratore del corso
- Impianti per l'industria chimica e alimentare. A.A. 2023/24, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E ALIMENTARE. Collaboratore del corso
- Laboratorio di processi dell'industria alimentare I. A.A. 2021/22, TECNOLOGIE PER L'INDUSTRIA MANIFATTURIERA (CORSO PROFESSIONALIZZANTE). Titolare del corso
- Impianti per l'industria chimica e alimentare. A.A. 2021/22, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E ALIMENTARE. Collaboratore del corso
- Impianti per l'industria chimica e alimentare. A.A. 2020/21, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E ALIMENTARE. Collaboratore del corso
- Impianti per l'industria chimica e alimentare. A.A. 2019/20, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E ALIMENTARE. Collaboratore del corso
- Chimica industriale. A.A. 2019/20, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E ALIMENTARE. Collaboratore del corso
- Chimica industriale. A.A. 2018/19, INGEGNERIA CHIMICA E ALIMENTARE. Collaboratore del corso
Research groups/teams
Research projects
Projects funded by competitive calls
- SuPERCO2 - Surface Polarization, Evolution, and Reconstruction for CO2 Reduction, (2024-2026) - Responsabile Scientifico
UE-funded research - HE - Excellent Science - MSCA - interface - AtomIc scale eNgineering of metal halide perovskiTEs suRFace towards exceptionally stAble and highly seleCtive photoElectrodes for CO2 conversion into fuels, (2023-2025) - Responsabile Scientifico
Nationally funded research - PRIN - CO2Synthesis - CO2-based electro-synthesis of high added-value products by smart designed electrocatalysts, (2022-2024) - Responsabile Scientifico
Corporate-funded and donor-funded research - SunCoChem - CE-NMBP-25-2019, (2020-2024) - Responsabile Scientifico
UE-funded research - H2020 - Industrial Leadership – LEIT - NANOTECHNOLOGIES - OCEAN - SPIRE-10-2017, (2017-2021) - Responsabile Scientifico
UE-funded research - H2020 - Cross-cutting activities - IND
Projects funded by commercial contracts
- Feasibility studies on CO2 capture solvents as electrolytes for CO2 reduction, (2023-2024) - Responsabile Scientifico
Commercial Research - Stable Noble-Metal-Free Oxygen Evolution Electrodes for PEM Electrolysis , (2022-2023) - Responsabile Scientifico
Commercial Research - Validazione di un assemblaggio membrana-elettrodo con una membrana anionica per la produzione di H2, (2022-2022) - Responsabile Scientifico
Commercial Research - Riduzione della CO2 a metanolo, (2021-2022) - Responsabile Scientifico
Commercial Research - Studio relativo al sistema foto-elettro-catalitico per la conversione dell’acqua e la CO2 a H2 e altri prodotti sostenibili, (2020-2020) - Responsabile Scientifico
Consulting - Riduzione della CO2 e Metanolo per vie Elettrocatalitica e Termocatalitica: Ottimizzazione di Catalizzatori e Confronto Energetico e di Performance fra i due Processi, (2019-2020) - Responsabile Scientifico
Commercial Research - CO2 Meta, (2019-2019) - Responsabile Scientifico
Commercial Research
Supervised PhD students
- Luqman Hakeem. Programme in Ingegneria Chimica (39th cycle, 2024-in progress)
- Giulia Cuatto. Programme in Ingegneria Chimica (38th cycle, 2022-in progress)
- Mario Gallone. Programme in Ingegneria Chimica (37th cycle, 2021-in progress)
- Noemi Pirrone. Programme in Scienza E Tecnologia Dei Materiali (37th cycle, 2021-in progress)
- Francesco Vanzetti. Programme in Ingegneria Chimica (37th cycle, 2022-in progress)
- Federica Zammillo. Programme in Ingegneria Chimica (37th cycle, 2021-in progress)
- Alessia Fortunati. Programme in Ingegneria Chimica (35th cycle, 2019-2023)
Thesis: Electrochemical CO2 reduction in ionic and poly-ionic liquids-based systems - Maddalena Zoli. Programme in Ingegneria Chimica (35th cycle, 2019-2023)
Thesis: Development and advanced characterization of Cu-based catalysts for the electro and photo-electrocatalytic CO2 reduction
Publications by type
PoliTO co-authors
Last years publications
Latest publications View all publications in Porto@Iris
- Carofiglio, Marco; Percivalle, NICOLO' MARIA; Hernandez, Simelys; Laurenti, Marco; ... (2024)
Ultrasound-assisted water oxidation: unveiling the role of piezoelectric metal-oxide sonocatalysts for cancer treatment. In: BIOMEDICAL MICRODEVICES, vol. 26, pp. 1-18. ISSN 1387-2176
Contributo su Rivista - Percivalle, Nicolò Maria; Carofiglio, Marco; Hernández, Simelys; Cauda, Valentina (2024)
Ultra-fast photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B exploiting oleate-stabilized zinc oxide nanoparticles. In: DISCOVER NANO, vol. 19. ISSN 2731-9229
Contributo su Rivista - Pirrone, N.; Garcia Ballesteros, S.; Hernández, S.; Bella, F. (2024)
Membrane/electrolyte interplay on ammonia motion inside a flow-cell for electrochemical nitrogen and nitrate reduction. In: ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, vol. 493, pp. 1-12. ISSN 0013-4686
Contributo su Rivista - Mezzapesa, Marco Pietro; Salomone, Fabio; Guzmán, Hilmar; Zammillo, Federica; Millini, ... (2024)
Development of In–Cu binary oxide catalysts for hydrogenating CO2 via thermocatalytic and electrocatalytic routes. In: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS, vol. 11, pp. 2319-2338. ISSN 2052-1553
Contributo su Rivista - Sanginario, Alessandro; Hernández, Simelys (2023)
Diagnostics of electrocatalytic systems by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. In: CURRENT OPINION IN GREEN AND SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY, vol. 39. ISSN 2452-2236
Contributo su Rivista - Cuatto, G.; Zoli, M.; Gallone, M.; GUZMAN MEDINA, HILMAR DEL CARMEN; Castellino, M.; ... (2023)
Standardization of Cu2O nanocubes synthesis: Role of precipitation process parameters on physico-chemical and photo-electrocatalytic properties. In: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN, vol. 199, pp. 384-398. ISSN 0263-8762
Contributo su Rivista - Zammillo, Federica; Guzman, Hilmar; Iliev, Boyan; Narbey, Stephanie; Parisi, Emmanuele; ... (2023)
Addressing the stability challenges of Gas Diffusion Electrodes in the presence of ILs-based solutions for the continuous Electrochemical Reduction of CO2. In: 2023 MRS Spring Meeting&Exhibit, Virtual, 25-27 Aprile, 2023
Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding) - Zammillo, Federica; Guzman, Hilmar; Polino, Daniela; Miro, Roger; Lopera, Alberto; ... (2023)
Addressing the stability challenges of Gas Diffusion Electrodes in the presence of ILs-based solutions for the continuous Electrochemical Conversion of CO2.
Altro - Mezzapesa, Marco Pietro; Salomone, Fabio; Guzmán, Hilmar; Zammillo, Federica; Millini, ... (2023)
In – Cu binary oxides catalyst for CO2 hydrogenation. In: XXIII NATIONAL CATALYSIS CONGRESS "Catalysis as a golden lighthouse for green chemistry and energy related technologies", Genova (IT), Giugno 2023
Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding) - Dattila, Federico; Garci´a-Muelas, Rodrigo; Hernández, Simelys; López, Núria (2022)
Modeling Surface Reconstruction of Cu-based catalysts under Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Conditions.
Society and Enterprise
Patents and other intellectual properties
- Poly-ionic liquids for CO2 electrochemical conversion. international Patent
Inventors: Simelys Pris Hernandez Ribullen