Maria Antonia Cassa

Maria Antonia Cassa's picture

Ph.D. candidate in Bioingegneria E Scienze Medico-chirurgiche , 38th cycle (2022-2025)
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS)

Docente esterno e/o collaboratore didattico
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS)



Research topic

Nanostructured surface functionalization of biomaterials for applications in biomedical engineering


Research interests

Medical Innovation and Technology
Materials, surfaces and biofabrication techniques for tissue engineering and advanced implants


I'm a Biomedical Engineer moved by great interest in technologies and methodologies that could make a benefic impact on people’s quality of life, especially people dealing on a daily basis with chronic diseases and/or disabilities. I think that the deep understanding of both physiological and pathological processes is key to bring an improvement in current therapies, tools for diagnosis, rehabilitation techniques. I'm very interested in Bionanotechnologies for their powerful innovative drive, which I think resides in the perfect way they are able to merge technical engineering skills with medical and biological knowledge, yielding strongly cutting-edge devices. I've developed experience in and continue to work on bulk and surface modification/functionalization of biomaterials and their characterization because in this field I would like to become an R&D specialist in the future. My aspiration is to apply my knowledge, my skills and my learning efforts in Research & Development projects in order to follow my personal inclination to grow and improve and try to contribute to the solution of current challenges in bioengineering and healthcare.



Master of Science

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