Marco Petrolo

Marco Petrolo's picture

Associate Professor (L. 240)
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS)


Research interests

Aerospace engineering
Composite structures
Finite element analysis
Multiscale modeling
Solid mechanics
Structural theories

Scientific branch

IIND-01/D - Aerospace Structures and Design
(Area 0009 - Industrial and information engineering)


ERC sectors

PE8_1 - Aerospace engineering
PE8_4 - Computational engineering
PE8_12 - Lightweight construction, textile technology
PE8_8 - Materials engineering (metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, etc.)


Goal 4: Quality education
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Awards and Honors

  • Fulbright Visiting Student Research conferred by Fulbright Italy Commission, Italy (2010)


Editorial boards

  • AEROTECNICA MISSILI & SPAZIO (2023-), Associate Editor of magazine or editorial series
  • AEROTECNICA MISSILI & SPAZIO (2019-), Other editorial activities
  • ADVANCES IN AIRCRAFT AND SPACECRAFT SCIENCE (2014-), Editorial board member


  • 34th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (9/9/2024-13/9/2024), Participation to the organizing committee
  • The Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (A.I.D.A.A.) XXVII International Congress (4/9/2023-7/9/2023), Participation to the organizing committee
  • ASME's 1st Annual Aerospace Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference (SSDM) (19/6/2023-21/6/2023), Program committee
  • Third edition of the Aerospace PhD-Days (16/4/2023-19/4/2023), Participation to the organizing committee
  • Tenth Design, Modelling and Experiments of Advanced Structures and Systems Conference (DEMEASS) (1/5/2022-4/5/2022), Participation to the organizing committee
  • Second International Conference on Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (ICMAMS) (19/10/2019-22/10/2019), Participation to the organizing committee
  • Workshop “Virtual Manufacturing and Testing of Composites”, 7 June 2019, Salone d’Onore, Castello del Valentino Torino, Program chair
  • First International Conference on Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (ICMAMS) (17/6/2018-20/6/2018), Participation to the organizing committee
  • Workshop “Advances in the Analysis and Design of Composite Structures”, Program chair
  • XXIII Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica, AIDAA2015 (17/11/2015-19/11/2015), Participation to the organizing committee
  • 6th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials (SMART2013) (24/6/2013-26/6/2013), Participation to the organizing committee
  • First International Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures (18/6/2012-20/6/2012), Participation to the organizing committee
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Other research or teaching roles outside Politecnico

  • Visiting Researcher, presso University of British Columbia (1/8/2019-31/8/2019)
  • Visiting Researcher, presso University of British Columbia (15/8/2018-30/9/2018)
  • Visiting Researcher, presso Purdue University (20/7/2017-30/9/2017)
  • Visiting Researcher, presso Purdue University (20/1/2017-28/2/2017)
  • Titolare di contratto di ricerca, presso RMIT - Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (1/2/2014-31/3/2015)
  • Visiting Researcher, presso University of Bristol (29/10/2012-20/11/2012)
  • Visiting Researcher, presso University of Michigan (15/3/2011-30/4/2011)
  • Visiting Researcher, presso San Diego State University - SDSU (1/11/2010-14/3/2011)
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Collegi of the PhD programmes

  • INGEGNERIA MECCANICA, 2022/2023 (39. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • INGEGNERIA MECCANICA, 2021/2022 (38. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • INGEGNERIA MECCANICA, 2020/2021 (37. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • INGEGNERIA MECCANICA, 2019/2020 (36. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO

Collegi of the degree programmes



MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Master of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Bachelor of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati


Research groups

Research projects

Projects funded by competitive calls

Projects funded by commercial contracts

Supervised PhD students

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Last years publications

PoliTO co-authors

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Society and Enterprise

Patents and other intellectual properties