Iris David Du Mutel De Pierrepont F

Iris David Du Mutel De Pierrepont F's picture

Ph.D. candidate in Ingegneria Aerospaziale , 37th cycle (2021-2024)
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS)



Research topic

Experimental modelling of ground, ceiling and wall effects for quadcopters


Research interests

Autonomous Aerial Vehicles
Design and Analysis of Aircraft and RPAS
Sensors Integration and Avionics / Systems Modelling and Simulation


Iris David Du Mutel de Pierrepont Franzetti is a PhD student in the fields of UAV and robotics. She studied her Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Seville, and a Master's degree in Aerospace Science and Technology in the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. She participated in the Erasmus+ program, to do her Master thesis in the Polytechnic University of Turin on Guidance and Control Algorithms for UAV Indoor Applications. After, she dedicated a year as fellow research assistant in robotics modelling and simulation as well as UAV control systems within a PRIN program. On November 2021, she started a PhD program about UAV control and disturbance modelling with a strong experimental component in collaboration with TerraXcube facilities at EURAC Research, Bolzano.


Research groups


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