Glenda Taddia

Glenda Taddia's picture

Associate Professor (L. 240)
Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI)


Research interests

Applied geology
Geotechnical engineering and engineering geology
Geothermal energy
Quaternary formations
Remote sensing


Glenda Taddia: Associate Professor of Engineering geology, in the Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering at Politecnico di Torino; she obtained the Italian National Scientific Abilitations in academic recruitment Field (“Settore Concorsuale”): 04/A3 - Applied geology, physical geography and geomorphology - Level: I - Full Professor. Graduated in Geological Sciences in 2008 she helds a PhD in Environmental Engineering from Politecnico di Torino in 2015. The main topics are hydrogeology, management and planning of groundwater resources, low-enthalpy geothermal systems in urban areas. Other scientific interests regard the applied geology, engineering geologic mapping through innovative techniques of digital photo-interpretation and remote sensing, the study of the deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSDs). Visiting Scholar at NCGRT - National Center for Groundwater Research and Training and Flinders University (Adelaide - South Australia). Visiting Professor at NCGRT - National Center for Groundwater Research and Training and Flinders University (Adelaide - South Australia) with course Geologic Processes (20h). She is one of the author of the following patent: TIme Series ANAlysis for GWHP (TISANA 4 GWHP), application number: 102017000055984, submitted on 23-05-2017. The patent refers to devices and software tools aimed to the assessment of the real advective velocity of the thermal plume induced by the groundwater re-injection operated by an open-loop low-enthalpy geothermal heat pump plant. She is a Co-Responsible of Monitoring Geothermal Heat Pumps plants of Politecnico di Torino (Central Site Duca: CF1, CF2, CF3; Valentino Castle: CFCastle; Energy Center: CFEnergy). Glenda Taddia is currently effective member of the Environment and Land Engineering Board: Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering, MoS’s in Environmental Engineering and Petroleum Engineering; Territorial Urban Environmental and Landscape Planning and Energy and Nuclear Engineering. She is currently teaching the courses "Resources Geology", “Environmental Technical Geology”, “Civil Protection” and "Geothermal Energy" at Politecnico di Torino. Faculty member of the PhD Program Urban and Regional Development.

Scientific branch

GEOS-03/B - Applied Geology
(Area 0004 - Earth Sciences)


ERC sectors

PE8_6 - Energy processes engineering
PE10_5 - Geology, tectonics, volcanology
PE10_17 - Hydrology, water and soil pollution


Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Goal 13: Climate action


  • Fellow - IAEG, Regno Unito (2018-)
    International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG)
  • Fellow - AIQUA, Italia (2018-)
    Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Quaternario (AIQUA)
  • Fellow - GEAM, Italia (2017-)
    Associazione Georisorse e Ambiente (GEAM)
  • Fellow - IAH, Regno Unito (2012-)
    International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)
  • Fellow - AIGA, Italia (2012-)
    Associazione Italiana di Geologia Applicata e Ambientale (AIGA)
  • Fellow - SGI, Italia (2010-)
    Società Geologica Italiana (SGI)
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Editorial boards

  • INFRASTRUCTURES (2021-), Editorial board member
  • NATURE (2014-), Editorial board member


  • Geosciences and Information Technologies GIT (12/6/2017-14/6/2017), Session Chair
  • Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana (7/9/2016-9/9/2016), Session Chair
  • Convegno dei giovani ricercatori di geologia applicata - AIGA (18/2/2016-19/2/2016), Session Chair

Other research or teaching roles outside Politecnico

  • Visiting Professor, presso Flinders University (24/7/2019-31/7/2019)
  • Visiting Researcher, presso Flinders University (13/7/2018-26/7/2018)

Non-commercial collaboration agreements


Collegi of the PhD programmes

  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2024/2025 (40. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2023/2024 (39. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2022/2023 (38. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2021/2022 (37. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2020/2021 (36. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2019/2020 (35. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
MostraNascondi collegi passati

Collegi of the degree programmes



MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Master of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Bachelor of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati


Research areas

Research projects

Projects funded by competitive calls

  • RESERVAQUA3, (2023-2023) - Responsabile Scientifico
    UE-funded research - Cooperazione Territoriale Europea
  • RESERVAQUA, (2022-2023) - Responsabile Scientifico
    UE-funded research - Cooperazione Territoriale Europea

Projects funded by commercial contracts

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Supervised PhD students

  • Fatemeh Hosseinpour. Programme in Ingegneria Civile E Ambientale (40th cycle, 2024-in progress)
    Research subject: Geothermal technology and geological models in the role of extraction of critical materials
    Numerical Modelling and Simulation
    Numerical Modelling and Simulation
    Numerical Modelling and Simulation
  • Alessandro Berta. Programme in Energetica (38th cycle, 2022-in progress)
    Research subject: Geothermal Energy Low Enthalpy in urban contest project sponsored by IREN
    Renewable energy
    Renewable energy
  • Roberta Narcisi. Programme in Ingegneria Civile E Ambientale (38th cycle, 2023-in progress)
    Research subject: Hydrogeological aspects for ground instability analyses
  • Michele Mondani. Programme in Urban And Regional Development (36th cycle, 2020-2024)
    Thesis: Cryosphere processes and hydrogeological systems: analysis and interactions


PoliTO co-authors

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Society and Enterprise

Patents and other intellectual properties