Associate Professor (L. 240)
Department of Energy (DENERG)
- Member of Interdepartmental Center FULL - Future Urban Legacy Lab
Research interests
Dr. Fabio Favoino is Associate Professor of Building Physics at Politecnico di Torino, within the Technology Energy Building Environment research group at the Department of Energy. His research, teaching and professional activity focuses on high performance and responsive building envelope technologies and systems, and on performance based evaluation methods for the built environment. Particularly his research activity focuses in the development and evaluation of strategies, technologies and materials for building envelope integration, which are characterized by dynamic behaviour and distributed intelligence, such that to support the design and operation of buildings combining high indoor quality, energy efficiency and flexibility and low to no impact on the environment. He was one of the author and task leader of the Cost Action TU1403 – Adaptive Façade Network, and editor of one of the three open access book “Building Performance Simulation and Characterization of Adaptive Facades – Adaptive Facade Network” collecting its results, and he is currently sitting as an expert in ISO and CTI (Italian) technical committees (among the others the ISO 52016-3 Energy performance of buildings — Energy needs for heating and cooling, internal temperatures and sensible and latent heat loads — Part 3: Calculation procedures regarding adaptive building envelope elements). He published his research on high performance and dynamic building envelopes in more than 30 high ranked international scientific journal papers and 5 book chapters, and he sits in the editorial board of Building and Environment journal, Journal of Glass Design and Engineering, and Frontiers in Built Environment. Fabio’s research, teaching and professional activity has been articulating between academia and industry. After his university studies in Building Engineering at Politecnico di Torino (BSc in 2008, and MSc in 2010), with a double MSc Degree with Politecnico di Milano (Alta Scuola Politecnica), and a visiting period at TU Delft in 2010 (under LLP Erasmus program during MSc), he achieved his PhD degree in Façade Engineering at University of Cambridge (2013-2016) titled “Building performance evaluation of adaptive facades”. After his PhD he moved back to industry where he worked as a Senior Façade Consultant at Eckersley O’Callaghan in London (2016-2018), designing high performance building envelopes for offices, educational, retails, exhibition and residential buildings internationally, and leading R&D activities within the façade team. He has been leading national projects (with ENEA National Energy for Nuclear Energy, regional such as POR-FESR and trans-regional) and international research projects (FP7, H2020) on advanced building envelope system and is very active in Technology Transfer activities, holding several industrial research projects with leading industry players. He has been teaching in I and II level Master courses of different Universities internationally, among the others Politecnico di Torino (IT), University of Cambridge (UK), Universitá di Architettura IUAV di Venezia (IT), Universidad de Navarra (ES), Università la Sapieza di Roma (IT) and other professional courses (Envelope Challengers, FACE Master course at EURAC research). At Politecnico di Torino he teaches in the courses: • Atelier: the architectural sustainable design E – Building Physics (EN, Architecture) • Advanced Parametric modelling of building envelope (EN, MSc in Architecture) While collaborating on the following courses: • Building Physics (BSc in Building Engineering) • Energy Performance Design and indoor environmental quality (EN, MSc in Building Engineering)
Scientific branch
(Area 0009 - Industrial and information engineering)
ERC sectors
- Effective member - Associazione Termotecnica Italiana, Italia (2018-)
- Effective member - CIBSE, Regno Unito (2016-)
- Founding partner - IBPSA Italy, Italia (2012-)
- Effective member - REHVA, Europeo (2011-)
- Effective member - AICARR, Italia (2011-)
Editorial boards
- BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT (2022-), Editorial board member
- GLASS STRUCTURES & ENGINEERING (2018-), Editorial board member
- Building Simulation 2021, Certified auditor
- RoomVent 2020, Participation to the organizing committee
- Building Simulation 2019, Certified auditor
- Adaptive Facade Cost Action Conference, Program committee
Research networks
- Cost Ation TU1403 - Adaptive Facade Network (2014-2018). Coordinamento
Collegi of the degree programmes
- Collegio di Architettura e Design. Componente
- Collegio di Ingegneria Civile ed Edile. Componente invitato
Master of Science
- Energy performance design and indoor environmental quality. A.A. 2024/25, INGEGNERIA EDILE. Collaboratore del corso
- Green building design B (modulo di Building physics). A.A. 2024/25, ARCHITETTURA PER LA SOSTENIBILITA'. Titolare del corso
- Advanced parametric design (modulo di Building physics). A.A. 2024/25, ARCHITETTURA PER LA SOSTENIBILITA'. Titolare del corso
- Energy performance design and indoor environmental quality. A.A. 2023/24, INGEGNERIA EDILE. Collaboratore del corso
- Green building design B (modulo di Building physics). A.A. 2023/24, ARCHITETTURA PER LA SOSTENIBILITA'. Titolare del corso
- Advanced parametric design (modulo di Building physics). A.A. 2023/24, ARCHITETTURA PER LA SOSTENIBILITA'. Titolare del corso
- Green building design B (modulo di Building physics). A.A. 2022/23, ARCHITETTURA PER LA SOSTENIBILITA'. Titolare del corso
- Energy performance design and indoor environmental quality. A.A. 2022/23, INGEGNERIA EDILE. Collaboratore del corso
- Advanced parametric design (modulo di Building physics). A.A. 2022/23, ARCHITETTURA PER LA SOSTENIBILITA'. Titolare del corso
- Energy performance design and indoor environmental quality. A.A. 2021/22, INGEGNERIA EDILE. Collaboratore del corso
- Green building design B (modulo di Building physics). A.A. 2021/22, ARCHITETTURA PER LA SOSTENIBILITA'. Titolare del corso
- Atelier: the architectural sustainable design E (modulo di Building physics). A.A. 2020/21, ARCHITETTURA PER IL PROGETTO SOSTENIBILE. Titolare del corso
- Energy performance design and indoor environmental quality. A.A. 2020/21, INGEGNERIA EDILE. Collaboratore del corso
- Advanced parametric modeling of building envelope. A.A. 2020/21, ARCHITETTURA PER IL PROGETTO SOSTENIBILE. Collaboratore del corso
- Atelier: the architectural sustainable design E (modulo di Building physics). A.A. 2019/20, ARCHITETTURA PER IL PROGETTO SOSTENIBILE. Titolare del corso
- Progettazione energetica dell'edificio. A.A. 2019/20, INGEGNERIA EDILE. Collaboratore del corso
- Modellazione parametrica avanzata dell'involucro edilizio. A.A. 2019/20, ARCHITETTURA PER IL PROGETTO SOSTENIBILE. Collaboratore del corso
Bachelor of Science
- Fisica tecnica per le costruzioni edili. A.A. 2024/25, INGEGNERIA EDILE. Collaboratore del corso
- Fisica tecnica per le costruzioni edili. A.A. 2023/24, INGEGNERIA EDILE. Collaboratore del corso
- Fisica tecnica per le costruzioni edili. A.A. 2022/23, INGEGNERIA EDILE. Collaboratore del corso
- Fisica tecnica per le costruzioni edili. A.A. 2021/22, INGEGNERIA EDILE. Collaboratore del corso
- Fisica tecnica per le costruzioni edili. A.A. 2020/21, INGEGNERIA EDILE. Collaboratore del corso
- Fisica tecnica. A.A. 2019/20, INGEGNERIA CIVILE. Collaboratore del corso
Research projects
Projects funded by competitive calls
- MIRABLE - Measurement Infrastructure for Research on heAlthy and zero energy Buildings in novel Living lab Ecosystems, (2023-2025) - Responsabile Scientifico
Nationally funded research - PRIN - iclimabuilt: Functional and advanced insulating and energy harvesting/storage materials across climate adaptive building envelopes , (2021-2025) - Responsabile Scientifico
UE-funded research - H2020 - Industrial Leadership – LEIT - NANOTECHNOLOGIES
Projects funded by commercial contracts
- Research on the effect of Solar Radiation on High Performance Glazing – part 2, (2020-2020) - Responsabile Scientifico
Commercial Research - Thermal modelling of high performance glazing, (2020-2021) - Responsabile Scientifico
Commercial Research
Supervised PhD students
- Giuseppina Arcamone. Programme in Energetica (40th cycle, 2024-in progress)
- Ginevra Li Castri. Programme in Energetica (39th cycle, 2023-in progress)
- Yangkong Zhou. Programme in Energetica (38th cycle, 2022-in progress)
- Manuela Baracani. Programme in Energetica (37th cycle, 2021-in progress)
- Giovanni Gennaro. Programme in Energetica (35th cycle, 2019-2023)
Thesis: Advanced control strategies for adaptive building envelope systems
PoliTO co-authors
Last years publications
Publications by type
Latest publications View all publications in Porto@Iris
- LI CASTRI, Ginevra; Baracani, Manuela; Favoino, Fabio; Serra, Valentina; Perino, Marco (2025)
Energy Performance Assessment of an Innovative Double-Skin Façade with Air-PCM Heat Exchanger. In: 9th International Building Physics Conference, pp. 430-435. ISSN 2366-2557. ISBN: 9789819783045
Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding) - Riganti, Mirco; LI CASTRI, Ginevra; Serra, Valentina; Manca, Michele; Favoino, Fabio (2024)
Energy saving potential of advanced dual-band electrochromic smart windows for office integration. In: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, vol. 327. ISSN 0378-7788
Contributo su Rivista - Shtrepi, Louena; Gerbotto, Andrea; Favoino, Fabio; Astolfi, Arianna (2024)
Sound Insulation characterisation of innovative natural ventilated façade in the context of Living Lab installations. In: Internoise - 53rd International Congress & Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Nantes (FR), 25-29/08/204, pp. 10094-10102
Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding) - FONTANA CRESPO, RAFAEL NATALIO; Luo, Yingjun; Baracani, Manuela; Squillari, Paolo; ... (2024)
A Distributed IoT Software Infrastructure for Multi-Purpose Services in Multi-Energy Systems. In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2024 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), Rome (ITA), 17-20 June, 2024. ISBN: 979-8-3503-5518-5
Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding) - Gerbotto, Andrea; Shtrepi, Louena; Favoino, Fabio; Astolfi, Arianna (2024)
BIM e valutazioni acustiche in edilizia: Un analisi dello stato dell'arte. In: 50° Convegno Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Acustica, Taormina, 29-31 Maggio 2024, pp. 1-2
Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding) - Rapone, Lorenzo; LI CASTRI, Ginevra; Lavilletta, Marco; Favoino, Fabio; Perino, Marco; ... (2024)
Double-Skin Façade with Air-PCM Latent Heat Exchanger: First Results from Experimental Campaign. In: 9th International Building Physics Conference, pp. 436-442. ISSN 2366-2557. ISBN: 9789819783045
Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding) - Baracani, Manuela; Favoino, Fabio; Fantucci, Stefano; Serra, Valentina; Perino, Marco; ... (2023)
Experimental assessment of the energy performance of microfluidic glazing components: The first results of a monitoring campaign carried out in an outdoor test facility. In: ENERGY, vol. 280. ISSN 0360-5442
Contributo su Rivista - Michael, M.; Favoino, F.; Jin, Q.; Luna-Navarro, A.; Overend, M. (2023)
A Systematic Review and Classification of Glazing Technologies for Building Façades. In: ENERGIES, vol. 16. ISSN 1996-1073
Contributo su Rivista - Catto Lucchino, E.; Gennaro, G.; Favoino, F.; Goia, F. (2022)
Modelling and validation of a single-storey flexible double-skin façade system with a building energy simulation tool. In: BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, vol. 226. ISSN 0360-1323
Contributo su Rivista - Bedon, C.; Agullo, C. P.; Luna-Navarro, A.; Overend, M.; Favoino, F. (2018)
Thermo-mechanical Investigation of Novel GFRP-glass Sandwich Facade Components. In: JOURNAL OF FACADE DESIGN AND ENGINEERING, pp. 501-512. ISSN 2213-3038
Contributo su Rivista