Elisabetta Caterina Giovannini

Elisabetta Caterina Giovannini's picture

Fixed-term assistant professor
Department of Architecture and Design (DAD)


Research interests

3d modeling
3d web-publishing
Augmented reality
Cultural heritage
Digital collections
Digital heritage
Virtual reality
Virtual reconstructions


Elisabetta Caterina Giovannini received a PhD in Architecture (documentation and representation of Architectural Heritage) at Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna in 2018, an M.C.S. in Digital Architecture at IUAV Architecture University of Venice in 2014 and a B. S. in Architecture in 2013 at the University of Bologna. From 2018 to 2022 she has held a postdoc position at the Department of Architecture and Design at Politecnico di Torino in Italy. She is specialised in the digital acquisition, documentation and critical analysis of the architectural and archaeological heritage through the use of the latest computer technologies, three-dimensional models and digital environments. Her research interests are related to drawing, survey and digital representation of architecture, with particular attention to classic treatises on architecture and graphical and critical analysis of architectural drawings. In recent years she has dealt with the use of IT applied to Cultural and Architectural Heritage (Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality). She also investigates the use of ontologies, BIM and H-BIM platforms to manage virtual reconstruction processes and 3D digital collections for museums.


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Scientific branch

CEAR-10/A - Drawing
(Area 0008 - Civil engineering and architecture)


ERC sectors

SH8_6 - Architecture, design, craft, creative industries
PE8_4 - Computational engineering
PE6_8 - Computer graphics, computer vision, multimedia, computer games
SH8_3 - Cultural studies and theory, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritage
SH8_9 - Digital approaches to anthropology, cultural studies and art
SH5_11 - Digital humanities; digital approaches to literary studies and philosophy
SH6_6 - Digital, computational, virtual and geospatial archaeologies
SH8_5 - History of art and of architecture
PE6_9 - Human computer interaction and interface, visualisation
SH8_4 - Museums, exhibitions, conservation and restoration
PE6_10 - Web and information systems, data management systems, information retrieval and digital libraries, data fusion


Goal 4: Quality education
Goal 5: Gender equality
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production


Editorial boards

  • IMG JOURNAL (2021-), Editorial board member
  • DN (2021-), Editorial board member
  • DN (2021-), Scientific Committee member


  • Extended Reality and Serious Games for Education and Learning - ERSeGEL 2024 (2/5/2024-4/5/2024), Participation to the organizing committee
  • Nexus 2023: Relationships Between Architecture and Mathematics (12/6/2022-15/6/2022), Participation to the organizing committee
  • Digital & Documentation. Vol. 2 - Digital strategies for Cultural Heritage (14/6/2019-14/6/2019), Participation to the organizing committee

Other research or teaching roles outside Politecnico

  • Cultore della materia, presso Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di BOLOGNA (16/10/2013-30/9/2018)

Research networks

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Collegi of the degree programmes



Master of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Bachelor of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Other activities and projects related to teaching

International Summer school, PRIENE, ARCHITECTURE AND ARCHAEOLOGY. Survey, Documentation and Design. 20-27/07/2022, Priene, Turkey. Member of the Scientific Committee
UID PhD Summer School 2022. 14-17/06/2022, University of Udine. Teaching Assistant
Dalla modellazione geometrica alla modellazione delle informazioni. 08/09/2021, Ph.D. programme in Architectural and Landscape Heritage, Politecnico di Torino. Guest Lecturer
AFPG – Lab-based Course of Parametric Aided Design. A.A. 2017/18, Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture, University of Bologna. Teaching Assistant
Survey of Architecture (Module of Architectural and Urban Survey B). A.A. 2017/18, Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture, University of Bologna. Teaching Assistant
Advanced Design Laboratory 2a (Module of Design and Drafting). A.A. 2016/17, Second cycle degree programme in Advanced Design (MS), University of Bologna. Teaching Assistant
Architectural Drawing I (Module of Architectural Drawing I). A.A. 2014/18, Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture, University of Bologna. Teaching Assistant
Architectural Drawing (Module of Architectural Drawing and Graphic Analysis). A.A. 2013/17, Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture, University of Bologna. Teaching Assistant


Research fields


Research projects

Projects funded by commercial contracts

Other activities and projects related to research

FIT-THINGS: Finding Information Technologies To Heighten Interoperable New layout Generative design Solutions, (2022-2022) - Participate in the project | Commercial Research

SSHOC - Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud, (2022-2022) - Participate in the project | UE-funded research

Rilievo e modellazione facciate e cortile interno Museo Egizio - Torino, (2022-2022) - Participate in the project | Consulting

Phygital Exhibition. Supporto tecnico per l’allestimento della nuova area del Museo della Passione di Sordevolo presso la Chiesa di S. Marta, (2022-2022) - Coordinates the project | Consulting

DE.C.A.I. - DEcay Classification using Artificial Intelligence, (2020-2021) – Coordinates the project | Non-commercial collaboration agreements

Digital historical scenic design. Modellazione digitale ricostruttiva delle scenografie utilizzate nella Passione di Sordevolo, (2020-2021) - Coordinates the project | Commercial contracts for the provision of services

S.M.A.R.T. MUSEUM - Semantic Modeling of collection And container Related by information Technology, (2018-2019) - Participate in the project | Non-formalised collaboration agreements

B.A.C.K. TO T.H.E. F.U.T.U.RE. - BIM Acquisition as Cultural Key TO Transfer Heritage of ancient Egypt For many Uses To many Users REplayed, (2018-2019) - Participate in the project | Corporate-funded and donor-funded research

Piazze, palazzi del potere e mercati del cibo nell’Italia di Dante, (2015-2015) - Participate in the project | CRUI funded research

Guido Cirilli. Architetto dell’Accademia, (2014-2014) - Participate in the project | Consulting for Exhibition

Sistema 3D dei Portici di Bologna, (2013-2015) – Participate in the project | Memoranda of Understanding

How architects, experts, politicians, international agencies and citizens negotiate modern planning: Casablanca Chandigarh, (2012-2013) - Participate in the project | Consulting for Exhibition


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