Elena Gianasso

Associate Professor (L. 240)
Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)


Research interests

History of architecture, early modern period, baroque, eclecticism, cultural heritage
Storia dell'architettura, barocco, eclettismo, committente, professioni in architettura


Elena Gianasso. Architect, PhD, associate professor in History of architecture at Politecnico di Torino, Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning DIST. She graduated in Architecture at Politecnico di Torino and, in the same university, she obtained a postgraduate specialization and a PhD in Storia e critica dei beni architettonici e ambientali (architectural heritage). She teaches History of architecture in different courses and in the Postgraduate School of specialization in Beni architettonici e del paesaggio. She participates in national and international researchers’ groups, investigating questions concerning the period between the early modern and the contemporary ages, analyzing in depth the Seventeenth and Nineteenth centuries, between city and architecture, design and building site.


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Scientific branch

CEAR-11/A - History of Architecture
(Area 0008 - Civil engineering and architecture)

Research topics

  • Architecture and client. Study of the constructive events of the project in the various solutions investigated in relation to the political, economic, social and cultural context between 17th and 19th century, examining in depth historical sources, often unpublished.
  • Cultural heritage, cities and territories. Study of the city and of the building heritage in its historical and cultural dimension, considering some urban and territorial processes between 17th and 19th century, examining In depth historical sources.
  • Professions in architecture. Study of the technical professions and the different training courses related to architecture, in the modern and contemporary age, based on specialised historical sources, investigating the results in the variegated declination of professional activity.


ERC sectors

SH5_8 - Cultural studies, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritage
SH5_6 - History of art and architecture, arts-based research


Goal 4: Quality education

Awards and Honors

  • Premio Optime conferred by Unione Industriale di Torino, Italy (1998)
  • Città di Torino - Domenico Carpanini conferred by Città di Torino, Italy (1998)
  • Premio laurea CARTASI CAMPUS conferred by CARTASI NEXI, Italy (1998)
  • Premio pubblicazioni Politecnico di Torino conferred by Politecnico di Torino, Italy (2011)
  • Politecnico di Torino - DIST - Bando per l’attribuzione dei contributi per l’attività di ricerca conferred by Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento Interateneo Scienze Progetto Politiche del Territorio DIST, Italy (2015)
  • Premio pubblicazioni Politecnico di Torino conferred by Politecnico di Torino, Italy (2016)
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Other research or teaching roles outside Politecnico

  • Professore a contratto, presso Università degli Studi di TORINO (1/10/2017-30/9/2018)
  • Professore a contratto, presso Università degli Studi di TORINO (2/11/2008-28/2/2009)
  • Professore a contratto, presso Università degli Studi di TORINO (2/11/2007-28/2/2008)


Collegi of the degree programmes


Master of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Bachelor of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati


Research projects

Projects funded by commercial contracts

  • Lettera d'intenti, (2024-2025) - Responsabile Scientifico
    Memoranda of Understanding


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