Claudia Aimee Schiavini

Ph.D. candidate in Ingegneria Civile E Ambientale , 38th cycle (2022-2025)
Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI)



Research topic

Atmospheric dispersion of pollutants in industrial zones


Research interests

Fluid Mechanics
Numerical Modelling and Simulation


After a Bachelor in Physics and a Master in Sciences of Ocean, Atmosphere and Climate, I chose to focus on the spread of atmospheric pollutants in my PhD. I work on industrial sites to study the impact of their complex geometries on the spread of gaseous pollutants in accidental situations, which present risks both for humans and the environment. My PhD is a cotutelle between the Politecnico di Torino and the Ecole Centrale de Lyon, since I combine numerical and experimental approaches that are complementary and developed on both sites.


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