Carlo Cena

Carlo Cena's picture

Ph.D. candidate in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni , 39th cycle (2023-2026)
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET)

Docente esterno e/o collaboratore didattico
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET)



Research topic

On board Artificial Intelligence for autonomous and resilient spacecraft.


Research interests

Big Data, Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Data Science
Mechatronics and robotics
Systems, Automation and Control


He received a Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence in 2022, with the thesis “Machine Learning in Automatic Tabulation for Constraint Model Reformulation”, from the University of Bologna. Currently, he's a Ph.D. student in Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering at Politecnico di Torino, conducting his research activity in collaboration with Argotec S.R.L., where he has previously worked as a Machine Learning Engineer in the R&D unit. His research activity focuses on the development of artificial intelligence solutions to increase the autonomy and resilience of spacecraft.



Master of Science


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