Ada Boralevi

Ada Boralevi's picture

Associate Professor (L. 240)
Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

  • Referente delle materie di base del 1° anno di Ingegneria


Research interests

Cohomology, homogeneous vector bundle, quiver representation, rational homogeneous variety, lagrangian grassmannian, secant varieties, terracini lemma
Constant rank, derived category, instanton bundles, skew-symmetric matrices
Determinantal representation, uniform determinantal representation, system of polynomial equations, multiparameter matrix eigenvalue problem, space of singular matrices, picard bundles, jacobians
Equivariant resolution, constant rank matrix, homogeneous bundle, homogeneous variety, quiver representation, orthogonally decomposable tensors, unitarily decomposable tensors, tensor decomposition
Grassmannians, secant varieties, terracini lemma, skew-symmetric matrices, constant rank, pfaffian hypersurface, quadric surface, globally generated vector bundles
Homogeneous vector bundle, simplicity, stability, quiver representations, stable vector bundles, symmetric forms, group action
Horrocks-mumford bundle, jumping planes and lines, minimal free resolution, moduli spaces, shioda's modular surface, stable vector bundles
Moduli spaces, orthogonal vector bundles, skew-hamiltonian matrices, skew-symmetric matrices, constant rank, globally generated vector bundles


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Scientific branch

MATH-02/B - Geometry
(Area 0001 - Mathematical and computer sciences)


ERC sectors

PE1_4 - Algebraic and complex geometry
PE1_5 - Geometry


  • Effective member - European Women in Mathematics, Italia (2019-)
  • Effective member - Unione Matematica Italiana, Italia (2007-2100)


  • TAGSS III - Algebraic Geometry towards Applications, Summer School, Participation to the organizing committee
  • Workshop Tensors, Participation to the organizing committee
  • TAGSS II - Summer School on Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Curves, Participation to the organizing committee
  • A Fall Meeting in Algebraic Geometry and Related Topics, Participation to the organizing committee
  • TAGSS I - Summer School in Enumerative Geometry, Participation to the organizing committee
  • MEGA 2017 – Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry, Participation to the organizing committee
  • An interdisciplinary approach to tensor decomposition, Summer School, Participation to the organizing committee
  • Vector Bundles Days II, Pau-Trieste Workshop on Vector Bundles and Related Topics, On the occasion of Emilia Mezzetti’s 60th birthday, Participation to the organizing committee
  • Vector Bundles Days, Pau-Trieste Workshop on Vector Bundles and Related Topics, Participation to the organizing committee
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Other research or teaching roles outside Politecnico

  • Titolare di contratto di ricerca, presso Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di TRIESTE (15/1/2016-8/1/2017)
  • Titolare di contratto di ricerca, presso Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (15/1/2015-14/1/2016)
  • Titolare di contratto di ricerca, presso Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di TRIESTE (1/7/2013-14/1/2015)
  • Titolare di contratto di ricerca, presso Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Titolare di contratto di ricerca, presso Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di TRIESTE (15/1/2012-15/1/2013)
  • Titolare di contratto di ricerca, presso Università degli Studi di TRIESTE (1/6/2011-1/12/2011)
  • Ricercatore, presso Texas A&M University (1/9/2008-31/5/2011)
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Collegi of the PhD programmes

  • SCIENZE MATEMATICHE, 2024/2025 (40. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • SCIENZE MATEMATICHE, 2023/2024 (39. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO

Collegi of the degree programmes



MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Bachelor of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati


Research fields

Research groups

Supervised PhD students


PoliTO co-authors

Last years publications

Publications by type

Most cited publications View all publications in Porto@Iris