Francesco Chiodelli

Francesco Chiodelli's picture

Tutore esterno dottorato
Student, Education and International Affairs (STUDI)

Associate Professor (Unito)
Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Docente esterno e/o collaboratore didattico
Doctoral School (SCDOTT)

  • Member of Interdepartmental Center FULL - Future Urban Legacy Lab


Research interests

Urban conflicts
Urban planning
Urban studies


I am associate professor in urban and legal geography at the University of Turin (Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning), where I direct OMERO - Interdepartmental Research Centre for Urban Studies. From 2013 to 2020 I worked at the Gran Sasso Science Institute (l'Aquila), where I contributed to create and manage the international PhD programme in Urban Studies. My research lies at the intersection of urban space and institutions (norms and rules in particular), with a specific focus on issues of illegality, informality, conflict, diversity and pluralism. My articles have appeared in leading international journals in the field of geography, urban planning and urban studies. I have also published the monograph "Shaping Jerusalem. Spatial planning, politics and the conflict' (Routledge, 2017) and co-edited the volume "The Illicit and Illegal in Regional and Urban Governance and Development. Corrupt Places" (Routledge, 2018). I write regularly for some Italian newspapers, such as Il Manifesto and Huffington Post Italia.


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ERC sectors

SH2_11 - Human, economic and social geography
SH2_10 - Land use and regional planning
SH2_9 - Urban, regional and rural studies


Goal 1: No poverty
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions


Collegi of the PhD programmes

  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2022/2023 (39. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2021/2022 (38. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2020/2021 (37. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2019/2020 (36. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN STUDIES AND REGIONAL SCIENCE, 2018/2019 (35. ciclo)
    Gran Sasso Science Institute - Scuola di dottorato internazionale
  • URBAN STUDIES AND REGIONAL SCIENCE, 2017/2018 (34. ciclo)
    Gran Sasso Science Institute - Scuola di dottorato internazionale
  • URBAN STUDIES AND REGIONAL SCIENCE, 2016/2017 (33. ciclo)
    Gran Sasso Science Institute - Scuola di dottorato internazionale
  • URBAN STUDIES AND REGIONAL SCIENCE, 2015/2016 (32. ciclo)
    Gran Sasso Science Institute - Scuola di dottorato internazionale
  • URBAN STUDIES, 2014/2015 (31. ciclo)
    Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e Perfezionamento Sant'Anna
  • URBAN STUDIES, 2013/2014 (30. ciclo)
    Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e Perfezionamento Sant'Anna
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Supervised PhD students

Other activities and projects related to research

My research lies at the intersection of urban space and institutions (norms and rules in particular), with a specific focus on issues of illegality, informality, conflict, diversity and pluralism. Currently, I am mainly working on housing informality in Southern European countries and on different manifestations of illegality in the urban sphere (including corruption in urban planning and criminal infiltration in urban governance and development). I have extensively studied the spatial dimension of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict over Jerusalem.

My articles have appeared in leading international journals in the field of geography, urban planning and urban studies, such as Transaction of the institute of British Geographers, Urban Studies, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Political Geography, Housing Studies, Progress in Planning, Planning Theory, Town Planning Review and Urban Geography.

I have also published the monograph Shaping Jerusalem. Spatial planning, politics and the conflict (Routledge, 2017) and co-edited the volume The Illicit and Illegal in Regional and Urban Governance and Development. Corrupt Places (Routledge, 2018).?


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