Luca Barbiero

Luca Barbiero's picture

Fixed-term tenure-track assistant professor
Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)


Research interests

Quantum simulations
Topological insulators

Scientific branch

PHYS-04/A - Theoretical Physics of Matter, Models, Mathematical Methods and Applications
(Area 0002 - Physical sciences)


ERC sectors

PE2_10 - Atomic, molecular physics
PE2_13 - Quantum optics and quantum information
PE2_11 - Ultra-cold atoms and molecules


Goal 4: Quality education
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Goal 13: Climate action
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions


Collegi of the degree programmes


Master of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Bachelor of Science

  • Fisica I. A.A. 2024/25, INGEGNERIA AEROSPAZIALE. Collaboratore del corso
  • Fisica I. A.A. 2023/24, INGEGNERIA AEROSPAZIALE. Collaboratore del corso
  • Fisica I. A.A. 2022/23, INGEGNERIA AEROSPAZIALE. Collaboratore del corso
  • Fisica II. A.A. 2021/22, INGEGNERIA MECCANICA. Collaboratore del corso
MostraNascondi A.A. passati



Research groups/teams

Research projects

Projects funded by competitive calls

Supervised PhD students

  • Nitya Cuzzuol. Programme in Fisica (38th cycle, 2023-in progress)


Last years publications

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