Nadia Caruso

Associate Professor (L. 240)
Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

  • Member of Interdepartmental Center FULL - Future Urban Legacy Lab
  • Academic Advisor Laurea Magistrale (Master of science-level) in URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING


Research interests

Innovazione sociale
Politiche abitative
Spatial planning
Urban regeneration
Urban studies

Scientific branch

CEAR-12/A - Urban and Regional Planning
(Area 0008 - Civil engineering and architecture)


ERC sectors

SH2_7 - Environmental and climate change, societal impact and policy
SH2_12 - GIS, spatial analysis; big data in political, geographical and legal studies
SH2_11 - Human, economic and social geography
SH2_10 - Land use and regional planning
SH2_9 - Urban, regional and rural studies


Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

Open badges

Awards and Honors

  • Premio di Laurea "Stefano Pieracci" conferred by Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali (AISRe), Italy (2009)
  • Premio INU Letteratura Urbanistica conferred by Istituto Nazionale Urbanistica e INU Edizioni, Italy (2013)


  • President - AESOP Young Academics, Belgio (2015-2016)
  • Fellow - INU - Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica - Sezione Piemonte e Valle d'Aosta, Italia (2014-)
    Socio aderente
  • Executive Committee member - AESOP Young Academics - Coordination Team, Belgio (2013-2016)

Editorial boards

  • PLANEXT (2015-), Director


Collegi of the PhD programmes

  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2023/2024 (39. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2022/2023 (38. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2021/2022 (37. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2020/2021 (36. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2019/2020 (35. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
MostraNascondi collegi passati

Collegi of the degree programmes



MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Master of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Bachelor of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati


Research projects

Projects funded by competitive calls

Projects funded by commercial contracts


Publications by type

PoliTO co-authors

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