Mirko Baratta

Mirko Baratta's picture

Associate Professor (L. 240)
Department of Energy (DENERG)

  • Member of Interdepartmental Center CARS@PoliTO - Center for Automotive Research and Sustainable Mobility


Research interests

Gas turbines
Internal combustion engines

Scientific branch

IIND-06/A - Fluid Machinery
(Area 0009 - Industrial and information engineering)

Research topics

  • Combustion diagnostics of IC engines


ERC sectors

PE8_6 - Energy processes engineering
PE8_5 - Fluid mechanics
PE8_8 - Propulsion engineering, e.g. hydraulic, turbo, piston, hybrid engines


Goal 5: Gender equality
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production

Editorial boards

  • ENERGIES (2023), Guest Editor of magazine or editorial series
  • ENERGIES (2022), Guest Editor of magazine or editorial series


Collegi of the degree programmes


Master of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Bachelor of Science

  • Thermal Machines. A.A. 2024/25, INGEGNERIA DELL'AUTOVEICOLO (AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING). Titolare del corso
  • Fondamenti di macchine a fluido. A.A. 2023/24, INGEGNERIA MECCANICA. Collaboratore del corso
  • Thermal Machines. A.A. 2023/24, INGEGNERIA DELL'AUTOVEICOLO (AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING). Titolare del corso
  • Thermal Machines. A.A. 2022/23, INGEGNERIA DELL'AUTOVEICOLO (AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING). Titolare del corso
  • Thermal Machines. A.A. 2021/22, INGEGNERIA DELL'AUTOVEICOLO (AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING). Titolare del corso
  • Thermal Machines. A.A. 2020/21, INGEGNERIA DELL'AUTOVEICOLO (AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING). Titolare del corso
  • Thermal Machines. A.A. 2019/20, INGEGNERIA DELL'AUTOVEICOLO (AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING). Titolare del corso
  • Thermal Machines. A.A. 2018/19, INGEGNERIA DELL'AUTOVEICOLO (AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING). Titolare del corso
  • Fondamenti di macchine e di oleodinamica. A.A. 2018/19, INGEGNERIA MECCANICA. Collaboratore del corso
MostraNascondi A.A. passati


Research projects

Projects funded by competitive calls

Projects funded by commercial contracts

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Supervised PhD students

  • Alex Scopelliti. Programme in Energetica (39th cycle, 2023-in progress)
  • Riccardo Sola. Programme in Energetica (39th cycle, 2023-in progress)


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