Valeria Minucciani

Associate Professor (L. 240)
Department of Architecture and Design (DAD)

  • Member Specialising Master’s Programmes and Lifelong Learning School


Research interests

Cultural inclusion
Well-being in interiors


Architect, since 2001 she has been a confirmed Researcher and then Associate Professor at the School of Architecture of Turin Polytechnic. where she carries out design and research activity. Her titles and appointments include: member of the Art and Cultural Heritage Section of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission of Turin (2003-07), of the Directive Board of the Society of Engineers and Architects in Turin (1995-98), of the Teaching Boards of several postgraduate and Master's courses in Italy (Turin, Rome), of the Teaching Board of the Specialisation School in Architectural and Landscape Heritage. Moreover, she is: Coordinator of the Level I Master's Degree Course in Interior, Exhibit & Retail Design, Evaluator and Reviewer for the European Commission, elected member of the Academic Senate of the Polytechnic of Turin, elected member of the Council of the Master's School of the Polytechnic of Turin, elected President of the Scientific Committee of the APM National Association of Small Museums. She has taken part in several PRIN research projects and was national vice-coordinator of a PRIN research entitled "Intervention in archaeological areas for activities related to musealisation and cultural communication" (2008-12) She has organised many exhibitions and promoted a number of national and international research conferences. She participated as an invited speaker in several national and international conferences. Among her most recent research interests: - CONTEMPORARY MUSEOGRAPHY ANDEXHIBIT DESIGN (in particular musealisation of religious and archaeological heritage); - INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE AND WELL-BEING - DISCIPLINARY CONTAMINATIONS BETWEEN ARCHITECTURE AND NEUROSCIENCES (with reference to interior environments and in particular museum spaces).

Scientific branch

CEAR-09/C - Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design
(Area 0008 - Civil engineering and architecture)


ERC sectors

PE8_3 - Civil engineering, architecture, maritime/hydraulic engineering, geotechnics, waste treatment
SH5_7 - Museums, exhibitions, conservation and restoration


Goal 3: Good health and well-being
Goal 4: Quality education
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities



  • Suspended living in temporary space. Emergencies of the Mediterranean Region (9/10/2017-9/10/2017), Program committee
  • The archaeological musealization. Multidisciplinary intervention in Archaeological Sites for the Conservation, Communication and Culture (11/11/2011-12/11/2011), Program committee
  • Kermesse Arte Plurale (2/3/2009-30/4/2009), Program committee
  • Paesaggi fluviali agricoltura e città. Strategie locali e internazionali a confronto (24/2/2005-24/2/2005), Program committee
  • La continuità e lo specchio. Strategie europee a confronto per la riprogettazione dei paesaggi fluviali (25/11/2004-25/11/2004), Program committee

Other titles

  • Coordinator of Specializing Master in Interior, Exhibit & Retail Design (Politecnico di Torino) (2019-)
  • elected member of Senato Accademico (Politecnico di Torino) (2017-2019)
  • European Commission reviewer of funded project (7th Framework Program) (2012-2015)
  • Aggregate Expert for the analysis of questions for first-level degrees admissions (Orientation and Tutoring Office of the Politecnico di Torino) (2021-)
  • European Commission reviewer of funded project (Horizon 2020) (2018-2020)

Roles as evaluator or expert

  • Settimo Programma Quadro. 2012
    Commissione Europea JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE
  • Settimo Programma Quadro. 2016
    Commissione Europea JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE

Non-commercial collaboration agreements


Collegi of the degree programmes


  • INTERIOR, EXHIBIT & RETAIL DESIGN. Master I livello. Coordinatore


Master of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Bachelor of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati


Research fields

Research projects

Projects funded by competitive calls

Projects funded by commercial contracts

Supervised PhD students

  • Daniel John Mangano. Programme in Patrimonio Architettonico / Architectural Heritage (40th cycle, 2024-in progress)
  • Gianluca D'Agostino. Programme in Beni Architettonici E Paesaggistici (37th cycle, 2021-in progress)
    Thesis: Il ruolo sociale dei musei: creare nuove relazioni con e tra i ¿non pubblici in difficoltà¿ e il patrimonio culturale

Other activities and projects related to research

Museography: the communicative power of space and interpretation

Well-being and interior architecture

Research on accessibility and inclusion in relation to Cultural Heritage enjoyment. Specific focus on museums and archaeological sites. Survey (interviews and site visits) on a European level.

Research on disciplinary contaminations between architecture and neuroscience, with specific reference to interiors and museum environments.


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