Unite! back face-to-face: the IV Dialogue held in Barcelona
The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC) hosted the IV Dialogue of Unite! Alliance, involving around 350 face-to-face and online participants, 20 institutional representatives and 35 speakers. From November 29th to December 1st, representatives from the 7 partner Universities gathered to discuss Unite! results and future perspectives.
As for the previous Dialogues, the event included meetings of Unite! governing bodies, Task Forces and Work Packages, as well as the students’ network SURE! - Students in Unite! for Representation and Empowerment. The Dialogue also launched the first Unite! Academic Forum and Unite! Innovation Community, besides the very first Branding Event, aimed at promoting the visibility of the Alliance and focused on five key areas: ethics & technology, impact on the European Higher Education Area, impact on the regional innovation ecosystems, leadership on smart technologies and global impact on society.
Professor Roberto Zanino, PoliTO Key Liaison Officer (KLO) for Unite! and Rector's Delegate for PhD Programmes and International University Networks, leading the large PoliTO delegation of students, professors and administrative staff, declared: “The Unite! Erasmus+ community, for the first time together with some representatives from the Unite! H2020 project, met again face-to-face with great enthusiasm after over one and an half year from the I Dialogue, held in Aalto just before the pandemics outbreak. Among the numerous relevant results, the ones from Unite! PhD Task Force and from H2020 Project, both coordinated by PoliTO. The long-awaited Erasmus+ call was published during the Dialogue days, paving the possibility to obtain relevant additional funding to continue Unite! activities until 2026. Given this framework, the Governing Platform confirmed the Alliance’s intent to include at least two new partner Universities (one coming from Eastern Europe), as suggested by the European Commission. After the next Dialogue, planned for March 2022 in Stockholm, our Politecnico will get the honor to hold the last Dialogue of Unite! pilot phase on next Autumn”.