Veduta di Kyoto dall'alto con una pagoda in primo piano e boschi e palazzi sullo sfondo

The Japan Hub project kicks off

La delegazione del Politecnico in posa per la foto ufficiale con sfondo di alberi

Following the approval of the “Japan Hub” project by the Board of Directors last September, a Politecnico delegation carried out a kick-off mission to Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe.

From 10 to 18 December, Professor David Chiaramonti, Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, Professor Michele Bonino, Rector’s Delegate for International Relations with Asian Countries, and International Relations Professional Elisa Armando visited the Hub’s future headquarters, met some strategic partners for the project and visited the Italian Ambassador in Tokyo Gianluigi Benedetti and Consul General in Osaka Marco Prencipe. The delegation was joined by Professor Giuseppe Pezzotti, Vice Rector for Research at the Kyoto Institute of Technology and visiting professor at Politecnico, as well as representatives from Fondazione Torino Musei and, remotely connected, Confindustria Piemonte and Unione Industriali Torino.

“For many years, the Politecnico has had solid relations with Japan, a country that is indispensable in the scientific domain and has many challenges in common with Italy - comments Politecnico Vice Rector Laura Montanaro - In order to consolidate this experience, in a stable country with an excellent reputation, the University has approved the creation of the Japan Hub”.

“The Japan Hub is designed to be our antenna in Japan that can coordinate, promote and enhance our activities, particularly in the areas of research and the third mission - explains David Chiaramonti - We will build on the great reputation that Italian architecture and design enjoy in the Far East, to also develop initiatives for industrial collaboration, technology development and policy support”.

“The Japan Hub has a number of characteristics on which we are strategically focusing: a location that is independent from local universities, so as to move flexibly within the network of institutional, academic and corporate partners - adds Michele Bonino, who is in charge of the Japan Hub’s scientific management - a stable scientific and administrative presence, thanks to Professor Pezzotti, who has been in Japan for over 30 years, and the Politecnico staff employed there; a partnership with entities in the Turin system, so that this Japanese antenna can immediately become a reference point for our territory as well”.