Stefano Corgnati is the new President of CLUSTER

Rector Stefano Corgnati has been appointed President of CLUSTER-Consortium Linking Universities of Science and Technology for Education and Research, a consortium that brings together 12 elite European universities in science, engineering and architecture. With associate members from around the world, CLUSTER represents a Multi-location European University of Science and Technology: it employs about 11,000 academic staff members, 14,000 PhD students and more than 140,000 students.
The consortium's goal is to create a new generation of engineers capable of meeting the challenges of our time, professionals who can combine technical expertise with leadership skills and entrepreneurial thinking. Transdisciplinarity and internationalization are the building blocks of a teaching that looks to the interweaving of knowledge as the key to reading the present and facing the challenges of today's society.
CLUSTER is also a leading player, in Europe and worldwide, in research and innovation, promoting cutting-edge studies in science, engineering and architecture.
The Rector will lead the consortium for the next two years, assisted by a Secretary General, whom he appoints from among his staff, and a Coordinator.
"I am very honored by the appointment – commented Stefano Corgnati – an appointment that has seen a unanimous convergence on my mandate program, which aims on the one hand to coordinate actions among the various European university networks, so as to recognize themselves in common guidelines to be brought to the tables of the European Commission, and on the other hand to a specific mission oriented to the consolidation of research training actions in the Mediterranean and African context. I am pleased that two key trajectories of my politointransition mandate program find total agreement with Cluster's directions: international vocation and interdisciplinarity as pillars of the university of the future”.