Try the new maps! Search by name Select a location type AulaDistributore Assorbenti IgieniciLaboratorio DidatticoLaboratorio Informatico di BaseCanteenComputer roomConference roomConference RoomCorridorDepartment libraryLobbyMultifunction localOpen terracePublic officeRefreshment AreaResearch laboratoryStaircaseStudy roomTechnical roomVideo director roomWater coolerWater fountain Address: Corso Castelfidardo, 39 - 10129 Torino (TO)Get directionsVia Pier Carlo Boggio, 71/A - 10138 Torino (TO)Get directionsContacts: Tel: +39 011 090 6106 - Via Boggio receptionTel: +39 011 090 6666 - Corso Duca degli Abruzzi receptionSite timetableThe orange paths in the map are wheelchair accessible.