VIMMP - NMBP-25-2017
Responsabile scientifico:
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VIMMP facilitates and promotes the exchange between all materials modelling stakeholders for the benefit of increased innovation in European manufacturing industry. VIMMP will establish an open-source, user-friendly, powerful web-based marketplace linking beneficiaries from different manufacturing industry sectors with relevant materials modelling activities and resources. To enable a seamless and fully integrated environment, VIMMP is built on solid taxonomy and metadata foundations, including those centred on materials models, software tools, communities, translation expertise and training materials. VIMMP is a true marketplace, offering a substantial boost to all providers of tools and services; integrating modelling platforms based on Open Simulation Platform (OSP) standards that will be pursued in collaboration with the EMMC. Thus, any software owner can easily integrate models and certify codes to adhere to OSP standards. The Translator function will be supported by novel, collaborative tools that use metadata to combine models on an abstract logical level. OSP standards enable Translators and End User to build and deploy workflows quickly. VIMMP contributes novel avenues for coupling and linking of models, which will be validated in the context of three overlapping industry applications: personal goods, polymer nanocomposites and functional coatings. Data repositories relevant to modelling will be developed and integrated in VIMMP, including a novel input parameter repository for mesoscopic model, also materials properties and associated validation data. VIMMP will comprise a full set of education and training resources relevant for a wider range of manufacturing industry. VIMMP users will profit from lowering risk and upfront cost, greater speed and agility of deploying materials modelling and realising the wide range of demonstrated economic impacts.
Strutture coinvolte
Costo totale progetto: | € 9.458.651,25 |
Contributo totale progetto: | € 7.992.278,26 |
Costo totale PoliTo: | € 652.431,25 |
Contributo PoliTo: | € 652.431,25 |