Co-LVM - Cooperative multi-sensor data fusion for enhancing Large-Volume Metrology applications
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In the last 20-30 years, Large-Volume Metrology (LVM) has become a “recognizable” specialty of Dimensional Metrology. Typical industrial applications are performed using technologically advanced systems, which are very expensive and may require time consuming set-up/calibration and measurement operations. Although several types of LVM systems are (not rarely) available in the same industrial workshop/laboratory, they are often used independently of each other. This is a rather myopic view because it ignores the benefits that may result from the combination of various kinds of systems. However, the fact remains that this combination of systems requires the definition and implementation of suitable data-fusion models. The goal of this project is to introduce innovative cooperative fusion models, which allow an effective and efficient use of multiple LVM systems, at all stages: design, set-up/calibration and measurement. For this reason, the goal is fully in line with the concepts of sustainable growth, innovation and technological flexibility. Particularly interesting is the development of a global calibration procedure, which can revolutionize the state-of-the-art procedure, reducing set-up time and improving calibration accuracy significantly. This aspect is confirmed by preliminary studies, carried out by the PI using some LVM system prototypes developed at Politecnico di Torino (DIGEP). Due to the undoubted originality and key practical implications, we plan to protect the global calibration procedure with a patent. The first part of the project, characterized by the conceptual development of mathematical/statistical models, will be followed by a more practical set of activities, i.e., various experimental tests under typical industrial conditions.
Persone coinvolte
- Maurizio Galetto (Personale interno di riferimento)
- Domenico Augusto Francesco Maisano (Responsabile Scientifico)
Strutture coinvolte
Costo totale PoliTo: | € 128.508,00 |
Contributo PoliTo: | € 128.508,00 |