Anagrafe della ricerca

AG2 - JTI-CS2-2014-CPW01-REG-01-02

01/10/2015 - 30/06/2022
Responsabile scientifico:
Tipo di progetto:
Ricerca UE - JTI - Clean Sky
Ente finanziatore:
Codice identificativo progetto:


AIRGREEN 2 aims at developing and demonstrating, in a relevant environment, innovative concepts, and methodologies, enabling the realization of a wing of new generation. This wing will be characterized by an innovative structure, result of an improved life cycle design; a high level of adaptivity, enabling load control and alleviation strategies and enhancing the aerodynamic performance at the different flight regimes; an innovative aerodynamic design, oriented to natural laminar flow preservation and drag reduction. MUL2 is involved in the structural design of the wing.

Strutture coinvolte


Costo totale PoliTo: € 683.000,00
Contributo PoliTo: € 683.000,00