HESTER - High efficiency storage systems for last mile delivery vehicles
Responsabile scientifico:
Tipo di progetto:
Ente finanziatore:
Ruolo PoliTo:
The overall efficiency is one of the main weaknesses of electrified Commercial Vehicles currently available on the market. Energy efficiency, payload available and storage systems are the main areas in which there are the major shortcomings. Overall, the possible solutions for the last mile delivery vehicles are likely to be a combination of different technologies and approaches, leading to archetypes and technologies able to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize the environmental impact of last mile delivery. Amongst the main areas, several proposals for innovative functions to manage on board storage in a flexible and efficient manner are emerging in the vehicles design. Furthermore, it has also to be considered that autonomous driving will have an impact, for example allowing new cabin archetypes.
Persone coinvolte
- Alessandro Scattina (Responsabile Scientifico)
- Maria Pia Cavatorta (Componente gruppo di Ricerca)
- Andrea Di Salvo (Componente gruppo di Ricerca)
- Guido Perboli (Componente gruppo di Ricerca)
- Anna Corinna Cagliano (Responsabile Scientifico di Struttura)
- Claudio Germak (Responsabile Scientifico di Struttura)
- Stefano Paolo Pastorelli (Responsabile di progetto (VR, Delegato,...))
Strutture coinvolte
Parole chiave
Settori ERC
Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (Sustainable Development Goals)
Costo totale progetto: | € 350.000,00 |
Contributo totale progetto: | € 350.000,00 |
Costo totale PoliTo: | € 350.000,00 |
Contributo PoliTo: | € 350.000,00 |