Anagrafe della ricerca

B4A - Blockchain for All

28/09/2023 - 27/09/2025
Responsabile scientifico:
Tipo di progetto:
Ricerca Nazionale - PRIN
Ente finanziatore:
MINISTERO (Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca)
Codice identificativo progetto:
Ruolo PoliTo:


The Blockchain for All project (B4A) aims at researching useful techniques that could bring the blockchain "universe" closer to the wider public, or could simplify its interaction from skilled users. In particular, the project foresees the implementation of a tool that will support companies/developers/end-users in the following tasks: - evaluating the alternatives: the tool will support companies in identifying a) whether a blockchain is really needed for a use case and b) which blockchain framework is more suitable for the specific use case; - implementing no-coding/low-coding: the tool will support non-skilled users in the development of blockchain-based applications, enabling them to write smart contracts and web3 code without having programming skills; - analyzing the blockchain: the tool will provide programmers with an interface for visual analytics of smart contracts, that could allow them to quickly grasp the main characteristic of a smart contract, compare several of them, or retrieve them based on a set of keywords/features. This tool will have a dual purpose. On the one hand, since after the development phase, a testing phase is planned, it will help the researchers involved in the project testing different approaches with users coming from both the commercial and the research world, with different skills and professional roles, in order to identify the most suitable approaches. On the other, the tool, once released, will improve the adoption of the blockchain technology. The achieved results could be relevant for users with different technical skills levels, in particular for: a) companies’ top managers, who, by following a well-defined methodology to describe a use case relevant for their company could find if the company should make technological investments in blockchain (and even which blockchain framework is more suitable); b) people without technical skills, that could be able to understand the behavior of (or even code) a smart contract thanks to visualization and semantic technologies, among others; c) developers, that could find/reuse decentralized applications (dApps) already developed, or quickly grasp the main characteristics of a smart contract thanks to visual dashboards. d) citizens, associations, small retailers, institutions that want to benefit from the affordances offered by the blockchain without any technical knowledge and don’t want or don’t have the resources to resort to predefined applications or to develop them.

Strutture coinvolte



Parole chiave

Settori ERC

PE6_9 - Human computer interaction and interface, visualisation and natural language processing
PE6_7 - Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, multi agent systems
PE6_3 - Software engineering, operating systems, computer languages

Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (Sustainable Development Goals)

Obiettivo 4. Fornire un’educazione di qualità, equa ed inclusiva, e opportunità di apprendimento per tutti|Obiettivo 8. Incentivare una crescita economica duratura, inclusiva e sostenibile, un’occupazione piena e produttiva ed un lavoro dignitoso per tutti


Costo totale progetto: € 285.000,00
Contributo totale progetto: € 250.000,00
Costo totale PoliTo: € 144.000,00
Contributo PoliTo: € 128.000,00