DEBSEUz - Development of the targeted Educational program for Bachelors in Solar Energy in Uzbekistan
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Tipo di progetto:
Ente finanziatore:
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Ruolo PoliTo:
The project is aimed at solving the problem of the lack of qualified highly specialized professionals in the installation, management, exploitation, and maintenance of solar energy systems and their components in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The main objective of the project is to develop educational programs and curricula for training bachelors in solar energy engineering. The general outputs of the project are: - development of improved training standards, educational programs, curricula for bachelor courses and didactic materials, training materials for teaching in the field of solar energy engineering, as well as the maintenance and exploitation of solar energy systems; - development of training courses for training, advanced training and retraining of relevant specialists in solar energy; - development of training and co-working center for students. Expected results of the project: - 3 ECTS-accredited bachelor programs and curricula on solar energy systems; - 4 partner HEIs' existing programs will be updated; - 12 newly developed courses for the bachelor program (72 ECTS); - 1 developed web platform for the content of educational materials; - 7 innovative laboratory rooms; The implementation of the DEBSEUz project with the support and taking into account the positive experience of European partners will successfully solve the enormous tasks of the state to ensure the normal energy consumption of future generations of Uzbekistan for many years to come. At the same time, it will contribute to a significant rise in higher education to prepare engineers in the solar energy systems of the country at the European level.
Strutture coinvolte
Parole chiave
Settori ERC
Costo totale progetto: | € 752.182,00 |
Contributo totale progetto: | € 676.962,00 |
Costo totale PoliTo: | € 79.897,00 |
Contributo PoliTo: | € 71.907,00 |