POLARIS - POrtable LAboratory on a fibeR optIcS (POLARIS)
03/03/2023 - 02/03/2025
Responsabile scientifico:
Tipo di progetto:
Ricerca Internazionale non UE
Ente finanziatore:
ALTRO INTERNAZIONALE (NATO Science for Peace and Security)
Ruolo PoliTo:
The project aims at demonstrating a high resolution, reliable, cost-effective, and label-free laboratory-on-fiber optics system composed by innovative optical interrogator and fiber probes. The proposed technology will be a breakthrough in applying photonic sensing to chemical and biological defense, relevant to several NATO SPS Key Priorities, such as environmental and health security, and counterterrorism. The probes could also be used for other environmental and health threats, not limited to defense and security like point of care health testing, biomedicine and quick pathogen testing, chemical analysis in remote areas, and water quality control in developing countries.
Strutture coinvolte
Parole chiave
Settori ERC
Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (Sustainable Development Goals)
Costo totale progetto: | € 350.000,00 |
Contributo totale progetto: | € 350.000,00 |
Costo totale PoliTo: | € 184.600,00 |
Contributo PoliTo: | € 184.600,00 |