Anagrafe della ricerca

OPTIMISM - Optimal refurbishment design and management of small energy micro-grids

25/04/2022 - 25/04/2025
Responsabile scientifico:
Tipo di progetto:
Ricerca Nazionale - PRIN
Ente finanziatore:
MINISTERO (MUR - Ministero dell'università e della ricerca)
Codice identificativo progetto:
Ruolo PoliTo:


The main aim of the project is the development of a novel method for the energy refurbishment and management of micro-grids, including innovative, efficient and conventional solutions, for the transition toward a sustainable energy scenario. The project is focused on non-residential buildings, featured by high energy consumptions. One of the main project task is the development of a simulation/design platform including the modeling of several renewable and/or fossil technologies (CHP, solar, biomass, geothermal, ORC, district networks, heating, ventilation and air conditioning units, building dynamics, energy storages, electric vehicles, etc.), in order to mimic the real time system operation and design the most appropriate energy refurbishment action along with advancement control and management strategies. The tool will be able to customize the selections as a function of: weather conditions, user load profiles, existing system layout, etc. A special effort will be performed to provide detailed simulations of the time-dependent user loads, when these are not measured. The project will also address the topic of the electricity critical excess, noticeably affecting the power grid management, due to the large contribution of the unpredictable renewable sources. Special attention will be paid to the novel energy storage systems, such as: vehicle to grid and to building, power to heat, hydrogen and reversible fuel cells. A specific project task will develop detailed performance characterization for heat pumps, often simulated by simplified approaches not able to evaluate their transient operation. These models will be coupled with novel control strategies and dynamic models of the heating and cooling networks, considering different hydronic configurations. The proposed scenarios will be evaluated in terms of economic, energy savings, users thermal comfort and healthy conditions. Guidelines to local institutions and designers will be provided, considering the health emergency effect due to SARS-CoV-2 on the HVAC units operation and performance. Advanced CFD models will be developed to simulate and limit the virus spreading in the indoor environment, and the related effect of HVAC systems design and performance. The project will address the well-known issue of the optimal dispatch of generation units in energy micro-grids, including a synthesis/design optimization algorithm to select the most profitable energy technology and the time-dependent optimal values of the operating parameters. The project also aims at developing a real-time optimal and coordinated energy management of the system, by automated algorithms considering environment change, user comfort and behavior, stakeholders needs, energy savings, flexibility and grid services. The capability of the novel approach will be proved analyzing at least 4 case studies for different Italian cities, including: university campus, hospital facilities, office and commercial building lots.

Strutture coinvolte



Parole chiave

Settori ERC

PE8_4 - Computational engineering
PE8_6 - Energy processes engineering
PE8_9 - Production technology, process engineering

Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (Sustainable Development Goals)

Obiettivo 7. Assicurare a tutti l’accesso a sistemi di energia economici, affidabili, sostenibili e moderni


Costo totale progetto: € 1.088.377,00
Contributo totale progetto: € 807.079,00
Costo totale PoliTo: € 168.068,00
Contributo PoliTo: € 127.120,00