Saanchi Saxena

Foto di Saanchi Saxena

Dottoranda in Urban And Regional Development , 37o ciclo (2021-2024)
Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio (DIST)


Dottorato di ricerca

Argomento di ricerca

Public space, planning, and women street vendors in Mumbai


Interessi di ricerca

Urban studies
Human, economic and political geography


Saanchi Saxena is currently a PhD student at DIST, Politecnico di Torino, Italy. She has a BA in Anthropology and a Masters in Public Policy from St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Mumbai. She has worked as an urban policy researcher at the All India Institute of Local Self-Government. She is the co-founder of Academic-ish, an online platform making academia contextual and accessible, by focusing on issues from the Global South.
Her doctoral project involves ethnographic research on women street vendors, the politics of urban public space, and gendered negotiations of urban planning in Mumbai. She strongly believes in creative, multi-disciplinary approaches that see the city through an anti-caste, Southern, and feminist lens.


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