Tania Limongi

Foto di Tania Limongi

Dipartimento Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia (DISAT)

  • Componente Centro Interdipartimentale PolitoBIOMed Lab - Biomedical Engineering Lab


Interessi di ricerca

Drug delivery


Settori ERC

LS4_4 - Ageing
LS3_4 - Apoptosis
LS1_11 - Biochemistry and molecular mechanisms of signal transduction
LS9_9 - Biohazards (including biological containment, biosafety, biosecurity)
LS2_10 - Bioinformatics
PE5_11 - Biological chemistry
PE5_7 - Biomaterials, biomaterials synthesis
LS9_8 - Biomimetics
LS1_8 - Biophysics (e.g. transport mechanisms, bioenergetics, fluorescence)
LS2_12 - Biostatistics
LS4_6 - Cancer and its biological basis
LS4_7 - Cardiovascular diseases
LS3_2 - Cell biology and molecular transport mechanisms
LS3_3 - Cell cycle and division
LS3_5 - Cell differentiation, physiology and dynamics
LS3_11 - Cell genetics
LS3_7 - Cell signalling and cellular interactions
LS5_7 - Cognition (e.g. learning, memory, emotions, speech)
PE5_10 - Colloid chemistry
PE3_9 - Condensed matter – beam interactions (photons, electrons, etc.)
LS3_9 - Development, developmental genetics, pattern formation and embryology in animals
LS7_2 - Diagnostic tools (e.g. genetic, imaging)
LS1_3 - DNA synthesis, modification, repair, recombination and degradation
LS9_7 - Environmental biotechnology (including bioremediation, biodegradation)
LS1_2 - General biochemistry and metabolism
LS2_1 - Genomics, comparative genomics, functional genomics
LS7_8 - Health services, health care research
PE5_8 - Intelligent materials – self assembled materials
LS1_6 - Lipid synthesis, modification and turnover
LS7_1 - Medical engineering and technology
LS7_11 - Medical ethics
LS4_5 - Metabolism, biological basis of metabolism related disorders
LS5_2 - Molecular and cellular neuroscience
PE5_18 - Molecular chemistry
LS1_1 - Molecular interactions
LS3_1 - Morphology and functional imaging of cells
LS5_10 - Neuroimaging and computational neuroscience
PE5_6 - New materials: oxides, alloys, composite, organic-inorganic hybrid, nanoparticles
LS9_1 - Non-medical biotechnology and genetic engineering (including transgenic organisms, recombinant proteins, biosensors, bioreactors, microbiology)
LS3_6 - Organelle biology
LS7_3 - Pharmacology, pharmacogenomics, drug discovery and design, drug therapy
PE3_16 - Physics of biological systems
LS6_11 - Prevention and treatment of infection by pathogens (e.g. vaccination, antibiotics, fungicide)
LS1_4 - RNA synthesis, processing, modification and degradation
LS3_12 - Stem cell biology
PE5_3 - Surface modification
LS9_2 - Synthetic biology, chemical biology and bio-engineering
PE5_4 - Thin films


Goal 3: Good health and well-being

Partecipazioni scientifiche

Altri incarichi di ricerca o didattica esterni

  • Ricercatore, presso King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (8/12/2013-12/12/2016)
  • Assegnista, presso Università degli Studi dell'AQUILA (1/1/2004-1/1/2006)
  • Borsista, presso Università degli Studi dell'AQUILA (1/1/2001-1/1/2002)



Dottorato di ricerca

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Corso di laurea magistrale

  • Modern Optics. A.A. 2023/24, NANOTECHNOLOGIES FOR ICTs (NANOTECNOLOGIE PER LE ICT). Collaboratore del corso
  • Modern Optics. A.A. 2022/23, NANOTECHNOLOGIES FOR ICTs (NANOTECNOLOGIE PER LE ICT). Collaboratore del corso
  • Modern Optics. A.A. 2021/22, NANOTECHNOLOGIES FOR ICTs (NANOTECNOLOGIE PER LE ICT). Collaboratore del corso
MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Altre attività e progetti di didattica

A.A. 2021/2022

Cod. Ins.: 01RXXPE Insegnamento: Modern Optics Rif.Incarico: 251769

Collegio: CL006 CDS (capo aggregazione): NANOTECHNOLOGIES FOR ICTs (NANOTECNOLOGIE PER LE ICT) (LM) : Lezioni Ore: 20 Lingua: EN



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