Matteo Davide Lorenzo Dalla Vedova

Foto di Matteo Davide Lorenzo Dalla Vedova

Ricercatore a tempo determinato Legge 240/10 art.24-b
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale (DIMEAS)

  • Componente Centro Interdipartimentale PhotoNext - Centro Interdipartimentale PoliTO sulla Fotonica applicata


Interessi di ricerca

Aerospace engineering
Aerospace systems
Fbg sensor
Lumped parameters
Numerical modeling
Numerical simulations
Optical sensors
Phm prognostics and health management
System engineering

Settore scientifico discliplinare

IIND-01/E - Impianti e sistemi aerospaziali
(Area 0009 - Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione)

Linee di ricerca

  • Design and development of smart structures integrating optical multifunction sensors (sensor fusion and virtual sensing).
  • Design, analysis, and numerical simulation of onboard systems.
  • Development of innovative FBG-based optical sensors.
  • Development of prognostic algorithms for aerospace servomechanism.
  • Study of innovative primary flight control architectures.
  • Study of secondary flight control systems and conception of related monitoring strategies.
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Settori ERC

PE8_1 - Aerospace engineering
PE8_4 - Computational engineering
PE8_7 - Mechanical engineering
PE2_12 - Optics, non-linear optics and nano-optics


Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure


Collegi di Dottorato

  • INGEGNERIA AEROSPAZIALE, 2022/2023 (39. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • INGEGNERIA AEROSPAZIALE, 2021/2022 (38. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO

Collegi dei Corsi di Studio


Dottorato di ricerca

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Corso di laurea magistrale

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Corso di laurea di 1° livello

MostraNascondi A.A. passati


Gruppi di ricerca

Progetti di ricerca

Progetti finanziati da bandi competitivi


  • Alessandro Aimasso. Corso in Ingegneria Aerospaziale (38o ciclo, 2022-in corso)
  • Arash Safaei. Corso in Ingegneria Aerospaziale (38o ciclo, 2022-in corso)
    Advanced Aerospace Propulsion
    Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Experimental Fluid Dynamics
    Sensors Integration and Avionics / Systems Modelling and Simulation
    Turbulent Flows
    Advanced Aerospace Propulsion
    Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Experimental Fluid Dynamics
    Sensors Integration and Avionics / Systems Modelling and Simulation
    Turbulent Flows
  • Francesco Di Fiore. Corso in Ingegneria Aerospaziale (36o ciclo, 2020-2024)
    Tesi: Advanced Computational Methods for Design, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Aerospace Systems
    Concurrent Engineering / Aerospace Systems Engineering
    Design and Analysis of Aircraft and RPAS
    Hypersonic Vehicles / Reusable Access to Space and Re-Entry Systems
    Concurrent Engineering / Aerospace Systems Engineering
    Design and Analysis of Aircraft and RPAS
    Hypersonic Vehicles / Reusable Access to Space and Re-Entry Systems
    Concurrent Engineering / Aerospace Systems Engineering
    Design and Analysis of Aircraft and RPAS
    Hypersonic Vehicles / Reusable Access to Space and Re-Entry Systems
  • Gaetano Quattrocchi. Corso in Ingegneria Aerospaziale (35o ciclo, 2019-2023)
    Tesi: Development of optical sensors and diagnostics algorithms for aerospace systems


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