Anagrafe della ricerca

0000 - Cost and time reductions of metallic components produced by Selective Laser Melting

12 mesi (2021)
Responsabile scientifico:
Tipo di progetto:
Ricerca da Enti privati e Fondazioni
Ente finanziatore:
Codice identificativo progetto:
Ruolo PoliTo:
Contraente Unico


Objective 1: Definition of minimum acceptable mechanical performance and density on the component being studied (case study). Identify the strategy for the optimization of the SLM process for the reduction of the time and cost of manufacturing. Objective 2: Identification of process parameters that allow the reduction of time and costs through the production and analysis of standardized specimens Objective 3: Application of the strategy identified on the selected component

Strutture coinvolte

Parole chiave

Settori ERC

PE8_7 - Mechanical and manufacturing engineering (shaping, mounting, joining, separation)


Costo totale progetto: € 44.280,00
Contributo totale progetto: € 44.280,00
Costo totale PoliTo: € 44.280,00
Contributo PoliTo: € 44.280,00