Anagrafe della ricerca

eCAIMAN - GV-1-2014

45 mesi (2018)
Responsabile scientifico:
Tipo di progetto:
Ricerca UE - H2020 - Societal Challenges - Transport
Ente finanziatore:
Codice identificativo progetto:


The success of electric vehicles in the mass market depends on the development of high-energy batteries at a competitive price. The research efforts of the past decade have continuously improved the energy densities of batteries, yet electric vehicles have only gradually made their way into the market. A combined surge in both consumer demand and industrial push is now on the verge of prompting a significant market uptake. eCAIMAN will develop a more powerful battery by modifying and improving individual components and technologies to result in a significant overall improvement of the cell. Key innovations include a 5V high- voltage spinel, a high- capacity composite anode, and a stable high- voltage electrolyte. Their cumulative effect will improve total cell capacity by at least 20%. eCAIMAN will not develop high risk / high gain components, due to the higher the risk of failure. This will ensure the success of the project and deliver a market- near product, while at the same time achieving the goals of the call. eCAIMAN scale-up is designed with existing European production technologies and inexpensive materials mined in Europe, thereby reducing the final battery price. The battery is developed in collaboration with large European light, medium and heavy duty vehicle manufacturers, allowing eCAIMAN to address a broad scope of real end-user demands. eCAIMAN will develop a truly European high-performance battery ready for implementation in the global market.

Strutture coinvolte


Costo totale progetto: € 6.126.698,75
Contributo totale progetto: € 5.807.244,50
Costo totale PoliTo: € 308.075,00
Contributo PoliTo: € 308.075,00