BIO-RESTORE - BIO-based Resilient Energy and Seismic retrofiT Of the REsidential building stock
Responsabile scientifico:
Tipo di progetto:
Ente finanziatore:
Codice identificativo progetto:
Ruolo PoliTo:
Italy is a territory characterized by a high seismic risk both in terms of intensity and frequency, as well as for damages caused to building heritage. Statistical studies showed that in the last 120 years, on average, a destructive event occurred each 5 years. Although Italy is, to date, classified as a country with less seismicity than territories such as California and Japan, characterized by frequent and violent earthquakes, the relationship between the damage produced and the energy released during the events is much more burdensome for our peninsula. Only in the last twenty years, significant seismic events occurred in Italy. From this scenario it is clear the need to deepen more and more the seismic behaviour of buildings to design innovative technical solutions to achieve an ever-greater standard of seismic safety, which adapts to any structural typology. The interventions on the building heritage are different depending on whether they are carried out on new structures or on existing buildings. The project summarizes two distinct issues in a single solution: (i) energy saving, by optimizing the building thermal insulation; (ii) seismic behaviour, introducing a system capable of providing a contribution in terms of strength and, limitedly, dissipation to the building structure. The proposed solution can be defined as an innovative dry seismic coat in the form of a classic panels adopting green materials, having into a unique element a thermal insulation system combined with a seismic-resistant device. The expected results will be classified in relation to: (i) improvement of energy performance, compared to a classic coat insulation system able to achieve a sufficient level of resiliency to climate change, adopting materials with low environmental impact; (ii) Increased seismic safety, through the insertion of a system capable of reducing and delaying the damage to the elements of the load-bearing structure of the building. Furthermore, the proposal relies on the development of a design abacus, i.e. a practical guide and a detailed and personalized vademecum of seismic coat solutions to be adopted according to both the building construction technology and the design parameters dictated by the climatic and seismic zones where the construction is placed. Overall, the simplicity of application of the seismic coat and its wide applicability to any built context will allow to transform the building heritage into seismically safe and energetically self-sufficient structures, allowing at the same time to operate architectural restyling and functional requalification of urban fabrics. For demonstration purposes, the proposed panels will be applied to a portion of an existing reinforced concrete building designed in the absence of anti-seismic regulations.
Strutture coinvolte
Parole chiave
Settori ERC
Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (Sustainable Development Goals)
Costo totale progetto: | € 184.887,00 |
Contributo totale progetto: | € 128.113,00 |
Costo totale PoliTo: | € 55.479,00 |
Contributo PoliTo: | € 40.799,00 |