From 17 Jun
Seminars and Conferences

Urban Morphology in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - ISUF Torino 2025

Politecnico di Torino and the “Transitional Morphologies” Research Center at Department of Architecture and Design-DAD are pleased to host the 32nd edition of the International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF) conference at the historic Castello del Valentino, from June 17th to June 20th, 2025.
The ISUF 2025 conference will critically examine how the emergence of artificial intelligence is reshaping the tools we use and our understanding of urban form in the 21st century. While these advancements offer new possibilities, questions regarding the form of contemporary cities (viewed through the lens of their historical trajectories and future potential) remain only partially addressed.

With the conference "Urban Morphology in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" scholars, researchers and practitioners are invited to explore how these developments challenge or reinforce traditional urban morphology studies. What new paradigms are emerging, and how might we navigate the complexities of urban form in our rapidly changing world?
While the question of urban form can be answered through various definitions, it is important to note that in the twenty-first century, artificial intelligence has opened new avenues for both tools and the concept of urban form, which have yet to be fully explored. As AI becomes increasingly prevalent in urban analysis and planning, it is vital to examine not only its potential but also its limitations, ethical considerations, and broader socio-spatial impacts. We encourage papers that address AI from a reflective perspective, considering how it reshapes our understanding of urban forms and urban life, as well as how urban professionals can respond to its challenges and opportunities.

The ISUF 2025 conference encourages further investigation into these transformative influences and their implications for the future of urban morphology and its impact on design, research and pedagogy.

The deadline to submit abstracts is February 3rd, 2025. Applicants will receive a response regarding the acceptance of their proposals by March 10th.
Abstracts must be written in English, with a word limit of 300 words. A template will be provided on the ISUF 2025 website.

To submit an abstract with a contribution proposal, please choose one of the following topics:
1. SHAPING THE CITY: Exploring Future Urban Forms
2. MAPPING THE CITY: Evolving Tools to Study Urban Forms
3. ENVISIONING THE CITY: Enhancing Theoretical Models of Urban Forms
4. AI APPLICATIONS ON URBAN FORMS: City as a Device (Agents & Experiments)

Applicants may submit more than one abstract for review. The abstracts will be peer-reviewed, and to facilitate the blind review process, individual authors and institutions should not be identified in the body of the abstract.

For more information visit the official website of ISUF 2025.